Symbol of the Government of Canada

Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999

Environment Canada

Last Verified: 2007-04-27

Act: Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, c. 15.31
Regulation: Alberta Equivalency Order, SOR/94-752;Asbestos Mines and Mills Release Regulations, SOR/90-341;Benzene in Gasoline Regulations, SOR/97-493;Chlor-Alkali Mercury Release Regulations, SOR/90-130;Chlorobiphenyls Regulations, SOR/91-152;Contaminated Fuel Regulations, SOR/91-486;Disposal at Sea Regulations, SOR/2001-275;Export and Import of Hazardous Wastes Regulations, SOR/92-637;Export Control List Notification Regulations, SOR/2000-108;Export of Substances under the Rotterdam Convention Regulations, SOR/2002-317;Federal Halocarbon Regulations, SOR/99-255;Federal Mobile PCB Treatment and Destruction Regulations, SOR/90-5;Federal Petroleum Storage Tank Regulations, SOR/97-10;Fuels Information Regulations No. 1, CRC, c. 407;Gasoline and Gasoline Blend Dispensing Flow Rate Regulations, SOR/2000-43;Gasoline Regulations, SOR/90-247;Inter-provincial Movement of Hazardous Wastes Regulations, SOR/2002-301;Masked Name Regulations, SOR/94-261;New Substance Notification Regulations, SOR/94-260;New Substances Fees Regulations, SOR/2002-374;On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations, SOR/2003-2;Ozone-Depleting Substances Regulations, 1998, SOR/99-7;PCB Waste Export Regulations, 1996, SOR/97-109;Persistence and Bioaccumulation Regulations, SOR/2000-107;Phosphorus Concentration Regulations, SOR/89-501;Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2003, SOR/2003-99;Pulp and Paper Defoamer and Wood Chip Regulations, SOR/92-268;Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans Regulations, SOR/92-267;Regulations Respecting the Form and Content of an Application for a Permit for Disposal at Sea, SOR/2001-276;Rules of Procedure for Boards of Review, SOR/2003-28;Secondary Lead Smelter Release Regulations, SOR/91-155;Storage of PCB Material Regulations, SOR/92-507;Sulphur in Diesel Fuel Regulations, SOR/2002-254;Sulphur in Gasoline Regulations, SOR/99-236;Tetrachloroethylene (Use in Dry Cleaning and Reporting Requirements), SOR/2003-79;Tributyltetradecylphosphonium Chloride Regulations, SOR/2000-66;Vinyl Chloride Release Regulations, 1992, SOR/92-631.


The goal of the renewed Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) is to contribute to sustainable development through pollution prevention and to protect the environment, human life and health from the risks associated with toxic substances. CEPA 1999 also recognises the contribution of pollution prevention and the management and control of toxic substances and hazardous waste to reducing threats to Canada's ecosystems and biological diversity. It acknowledges for the first time the need to virtually eliminate the most persistent toxic substances that remain in the environment for extended periods of time before breaking down and bioaccumulative toxic substances that accumulate within living organisms. Health Canada works in partnership with Environment Canada to assess potentially toxic substances and to develop regulations to control toxic substances.

The CEPA Environmental Registry is a comprehensive source of public information relating to activities under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. In addition to providing up-to-date copies of current CEPA instruments, the primary objective of the Environmental Registry is to encourage and support public participation in environmental decision-making, by facilitating access to documents arising from the administration of the Act.

Information contained in this section is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. For particular questions, the users are invited to contact their lawyer. For additional information, see contact(s) listed below.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Ms. Julie Carrière
Senior Advisor
Regulatory Innovation and Management Systems
Environmental Stewardship Branch
Environment Canada
Place Vincent Massey
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec  K1A 0H3
Telephone: 819-997-3640
Web site: