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JCA-Commissioners for taking Affidavits Act (Commissioners of Oaths)

Justice and Consumer Affairs - JCA

Last Verified: 2007-02-19

Act: Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act
Regulation: Regulation 84-31

To Whom Does This Apply?

Persons wishing to obtain authority to administer affidavits.


To provide qualified and authorized persons throughout the Province who can serve the needs of consumers and businesses in the completion of affidavits and statutory declarations when required.

Commissioners of Oaths are not licensed but are appointed by the Minister of Justice and Consumer Affairs according to need.

Applications are administered by the Consumer Affairs Branch.

The appointment fee is $75 for a five-year term.

Appointments expire December 31 unless sooner revoked.  Renewal applications are reviewed for need and are not automatic.

Lawyers are automatically Commissioners of Oaths due to their profession, as are Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs, Registrars and Deputy Registrars of Deeds, and active Armed Forces Officers with a rank of major or higher.  Other persons may hold limited powers of a Commissioner of Oaths due to a specific statute respecting their position.

Enquiries and complaints about the activities of Commissioners of Oaths can be directed to Consumer Affairs officials.

There are strong penalties under the Criminal Code for false affidavits or falsely administering an affidavit.

Information contained in this section is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. For particular questions, the users are invited to contact their lawyer. For additional information, see contact(s) listed below.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Ms. Leanne Smith
Consumer Enforcement Officer
Rentalsman and Consumer Affairs
Justice and Consumer Affairs
Kings Place
440 King Street
P. O. Box 6000
Fredericton, New Brunswick  E3B 5H1
Telephone: 506-453-2659
Fax: 506-444-4494