Symbol of the Government of Canada

Workplace Information

Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)

Last Verified: 2007-05-18

The Labour Policy and Workplace Information is your source for up-to-date, customized information on industrial relations and collective bargaining.


You can get advice and assistance in preparing for and supporting the resolution of issues at the bargaining table, in keeping abreast of developments in the industrial relations filed and by satisfying your specific research requirements.

The following is a list of products and services provided:

  • trends in negotiated wage adjustments;
  • current and upcoming key negotiations;
  • current settlement listing;
  • collective agreement expiries and reopeners;
  • negotiated benefits and working conditions;
  • work stoppages;
  • directory of labour organizations;
  • union membership;
  • innovative workplace practices;
  • Readers' Corner
  • Negotech access to settlement summaries and full text collective agreements;
  • list of articles and case studies.

The Workplace Bulletin provides you with ongoing developments and access to the latest information on industrial relations and collective bargaining. It is produced by-monthly and is free of charge.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Regional Office and the Labour Service Centre
Labour Program
Human Resources and Social Development Canada
1st Floor
1045 Main Street
P.O. Box 1166
Moncton, New Brunswick  E1C 8P9
Fax: 506-851-6645
Toll-free (information): 1-800-641-4049
Web site:

National Contact(s):
National Headquarters
Labour Program
Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Gatineau, Quebec  K1A 0J2
Toll-free (publications): 1-800-641-4049
Web site: