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UNB-Research Chairs

University of New Brunswick - UNB

Last Verified: 2008-02-15

This document is based on information from the University of New Brunswick Web site, February 2008.

Research Chairs - University of New Brunswick - Fredericton Campus.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria will vary for each Chair. 


Chair in Ocean Mapping
The Chair in Ocean Mapping was established at the University of New Brunswick in 1991 to expand research capabilities in the development of innovative methods to manage, process, depict and interpret ocean mapping data.

The D.C. Campbell Chair in Highway Construction and Pavement Research
This Chair was created within the Department of Civil Engineering to strengthen the institution's capabilities in education and research in the highway and pavement engineering fields. A major component is the strong graduate program with graduate degrees offered at the masters and doctoral levels.

The J. Herbert Smith/ACOA Chair in Technology Management and Entrepreneurship
The impact of technology on systems, organizations, and people has had measurably positive consequences on productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness but it's created challenges too. The J. Herbert Smith/ACOA Chair in Technology Management and Entrepreneurship is the University of New Brunswick's response to these challenges.

Mary Louise Lynch Chair in Women and the Law
The Chair is sponsored by UNB and the Beaverbrook Canadian Foundation in the Faculty of Law. Its existence acknowledges the need to address the issues posed by the growing presence of women in the law school and to confront the challenges feminist values bring to the study and practice of law and to the concepts of law and justice.

The M. Patrick Gillin Chair in Construction Engineering and Management
The M. Patrick Gillin Chair in Construction Engineering and Management was established in 1987 to teach the concept that products and services require effective marketing, clear communications and good management. In addition, the Chair is responsible for establishing liaison with industry and encouraging technology transfer.

NB Power Chair in Power Plant Engineering
The Chair in Power Plant Engineering was established at the University of New Brunswick in 1986 with support from the New Brunswick Electric Power Commission (NB Power) to develop and teach specialized courses in power plant engineering at UNB, to train power plant operators, and to coordinate research activities.

NSERC Chair in Environmental Design Engineering
This Chair is one of the five NSERC Chairs in Environmental Design Engineering in Canada. The mandate of the Chair is to develop broad-based collaborations with industry and other institutions, to conduct high quality R&D in innovative and environmentally friendly products and technologies, to serve as a centre of interdisciplinary expertise, a training centre for design engineers, and a service centre for Atlantic industry, in the areas of environmental design engineering.

NSERC/CWS Research Chair in Wildlife Ecology
The NSERC/Canadian Wildlife Service Research Chair in Wildlife Ecology is part of the Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network and represents ACWERN's presence at UNB. The Chair is a joint appointment of the Department of Biology and the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management.

NSERC/NB Power/AECL Chair in Nuclear Engineering
NSERC, NB Power and Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. established the Chair in the Department of Chemical Engineering in recognition of New Brunswick's position as a nuclear power producer. Since 1984 the Chair has taken a leading role in the training of personnel and the development of nuclear technology.

Vaughan Chair in Regional Economics
The Vaughan Chair serves as the focal point of a research team of faculty members and graduate student experts in the economic, political and historical characteristics of Atlantic Canada. The Chair is located at the Department of Economics.

For additional information, contact the University of New Brunswick at 506-453-4666 or visit this Web site:

New Brunswick Contact(s):
University of New Brunswick
P. O. Box 4400
Fredericton, New Brunswick  E3B 5A3
Telephone: 506-453-4666