Symbol of the Government of Canada

BNB-Trade Assistance Program (TAP)

Business New Brunswick - BNB

Last Verified: 2008-02-04

This document is based on information from the Department of Business New Brunswick's Web site as of February 2008.

The Trade Assistance Program (TAP) is intended to introduce New Brunswick companies to exporting and to assist in the development of "new" export markets outside of the Maritime Provinces.

Activities funded under the TAP program must be strategic to the export development of the applicant and will be evaluated for eligibility based on that (as well as other) criteria.

Eligibility Criteria

Companies must process, manufacture or produce a bona fide exportable product/service, technology or intellectual property.

Meeting eligibility criteria does not imply automatic access to program assistance.

Eligible Activities

Eligible Costs

1.  Travel

  • By air - half the return economy airfare for one person with the exception of trade shows, where 2 people will be considered. 
    Trade Shows Only:  per diems may be allowed for up to 2 people, if only one economy airfare is charged.
  • By road - . 20¢ per kilometre or a maximum of half the airfare equivalent.

2.  Per Diem -   A per diem allowance will be provided as follows:

Per diem rates: (to cost share of accommodation and meals expenses)

  • $ 100. CDN per day within Canada
  • $ 150. CDN per day outside of Canada
  • $ 200. CDN per day within Europe and Asia

Maximum number of days allowed:  up to 10 days depending on the activity.

If you share a hotel room or do not stay at a hotel you may receive a reduced per diem. Per diem amounts claimed must be supported by hotel receipts.

Without receipts the per diem will be paid as follows:

  • $50. CDN per day within Canada
  • $75. CDN per day outside of Canada
  • $100. CDN per day within Europe and Asia

3.  Booth Rental

Companies exhibiting at trade shows are eligible for:

  • 50% of show registration fee
  • 50% of booth space rental and associated costs (i.e. rental of electrical, furniture, carpet, etc)
  • 50% of product shipping costs

4.  Incoming Buyers

Companies hosting an incoming client will be reimbursed for 50% of the clients return economy airfare (or .20¢ per kilometre to a maximum of half the airfare equivalent). If the client visits other destinations outside of the province, only the airfare to New Brunswick will apply.  A per diem allowance of $100 CDN per day for up to three days maximum will also apply.

5.  Promotional Materials

Eligible applicants may apply for 50% of costs associated with booth graphics, design, artwork, translation and other pre-printing costs of product brochures, catalogues, point of sale material, direct advertising and media/PR required for specific trade activities.  Work must be an arm's length transaction.  In-house expertise is not eligible.
Note:  Promotional giveaways are ineligible.

6.  Labelling

To assist in translation of labelling to meet international (outside of Canada) market requirements. Up to 50% of translation costs are eligible.

7. Professional Services

To assist in international export activities, companies may be eligible for 50% of the costs associated with securing professional services as follows:

  • A professional translator for trade activities held outside of Atlantic Canada.
  • An in-market consultant to provide matchmaking services outside of Atlantic Canada providing that the pre-arranged meetings will be attended by a senior decision maker of the company.
  • Costs related to web-site upgrading and improvement to meet requirements of international exporting activities. (Web-site upgrading/improvement must support an activity in conjunction with the applicant’s export strategy)

Professional Services must be an arm’s length transaction. In-house expertise is not eligible.



  • A minimum contribution of $500 per project; a maximum contribution of $5,000 per project.  Maximum assistance allowed per New Brunswick Company is $15,000.  Once $15,000 has been fully allocated, $5,000 per year is available for mature exporters.
  • Companies will be eligible for two (2) TAPS within the same market area, activity.
  • Funding levels will be up to a maximum of 50% of eligible costs.
  • HST is NOT reimbursable.

For more information on the Trade Assistance Program and Services, call 506-453-3412 or visit the Web site:

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Export Development Branch
Business New Brunswick
5th Floor
Centennial Building
670 King Street
P.O. Box 6000
Fredericton, New Brunswick  E3B 5H1
Telephone: 506-453-3412
Fax: 506-453-3783