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PETL-Private Occupational Training

Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour - PETL

Last Verified: 2008-02-19

Act: Private Occupational Training Act

To Whom Does This Apply?

The Private Occupational Training Act  is directed toward private sector organizations offering occupational training in excess of 21 hours to address the growing role for private training.


Private occupational training organizations operating in New Brunswick as businesses are subject to registration under the Private Occupational Training Act. (Exceptions include training delivered via the Internet or by correspondence and religious and flight training.) Approximately 80 private occupational training organizations were registered during the recent calendar year and offered training pertaining to the arts, health, business, technical and miscellaneous (driver training, hospitality). Students in designated training organizations may be eligible for Student Loans.

"Training organization" means a person or an organization, whether incorporated or not, that provides or undertakes to provide an occupational training program.

This Act does not apply to:

  • a chartered university in Canada;
  • a course of study offered or provided by a department of the Government of Canada or of any province;
  • a public school under any other Act of the Legislature; or
  • a person or an organization exempted by regulation from the definition "training organization" (which includes Internet and correspondence training).

Under the Act, private occupational training organizations are required to provide pertinent information concerning the school. The Act also establishes a Training Completions Fund and a Statutory Corporation to act as Administrator of the Fund.

The fee structure for initial/renewal registration of a private occupational training organization, as prescribed by Regulation under the Act is:

  • $25 when one Occupational Training program is provided
  • $10 for each additional occupational training program with a maximum fee of $250.00
  • $25 for each agent, representative, salesperson, teacher or instructor

This Act provides for the registration of private occupational training organizations operating in the province. Organizations must meet the definition of "private occupational training organization" under the Private Occupational Training Act and comply with other requirements of the Act to be eligible for registration.

These private occupational training organizations provide diverse training and development services to individuals, organizations and other businesses.

Information contained in this section is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. For particular questions, the users are invited to contact their lawyer. For additional information, see contact(s) listed below.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Ms. Hope Brewer
Private Occupational Training Branch
Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
P. O. Box 6000
Fredericton, New Brunswick  E3B 5H1
Telephone: 506-444-5781
Fax: 506-444-5394