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WHSCC – Assessment Services

Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission - WHSCC

Last Verified: 2007-08-15

Act:  Workers' Compensation Act

Eligibility Criteria

The compensation system provides protection for both the worker and employer. For the worker, the system provides compensation benefits to soften the consequences of a workplace injury or disease. For the employer, it removes the threat of lawsuit from employees injured in the course of their employment.


Assessment Services provide the employer community with insurance administered through the principal of collective liability, which allows for immunity from suit and disability protection for its workers. The Commission also assists employers in claims management and accident prevention.

Coverage is mandatory for employers with three or more full time or part time workers, and is voluntary for employers with less than three workers.

The principal objective of Assessment Services is to generate sufficient revenue to administer the provisions of the Workers´ Compensation Act. The costs of compensable injuries and diseases along with the costs of administering these claims are collected in the form of assessments from employers protected under the Workers Compensation Act.

To collect sufficient assessments in a fair and equitable manner, a classification system is administered which determines the rate at which each employer must pay towards these costs.  Employers are combined into rate groups on the basis of the industry in which they are operating.

Through the experience rating system, all workplace injury costs over the last three years for a particular rate group are added up to determine if an employer's cost is above or below the average of the group (relative to payroll). If costs are below average, they will receive a discount on their basic rate. If they're above average, the employer will need to pay a surcharge.

In addition, Assessment Services is responsible to see that all employers required to register under the Act are filed for coverage, and ensures compliance with registration and payment obligations through the application of penalties, auditing, and collection activities.

For more information, visit the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission's Web site at: or call toll-free 1-800-222-9775.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Claude Savoie
Assessment Services
Workplace Health Safety and Compensation Commission
P.O. Box 160
Saint John, New Brunswick  E2L 3X9
Telephone: 506-633-2820
Fax: 506-632-2819
Toll-free (information): 1-800-222-9775