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Energy Efficiency Publications

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

Last Verified: 2006-10-12

The Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) publishes numerous publications on topics related to energy efficiency and alternative energy. They are aimed at the general public, as well as more specialized audiences. The majority of these publications are available free of charge in Canada. The Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) programs, however, specifically target these three sectors. Not all of the ICI publications are available free of charge.

Eligibility Criteria

The OEE publications are aimed at the general public, as well as more specialized audiences. ICI audiences are specialists in the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional sectors.


The following types of publications are available.

Information for the General Public

  • Heating with Electricity;
  • Heating and Cooling with a Heat Pump;
  • Heating with Gas;
  • Heating with Oil;
  • Air-Conditioning Your Home.

Energy Efficiency and Alternative Transportation Programs

  • Improving Energy Performance in Canada: Report to Parliament under the Energy Efficiency Act
  • Emissions Reductions from Federal Operations;
  • The State of Energy Efficiency in Canada: Annual Report of the OEE.

Energy Use Data

  • Energy Efficiency Trends in Canada

Buildings and Industry

  • Case studies, reports and fact sheets, as well as other publications on improving the energy efficiency of commercial, industrial and institutional buildings;
  • Heads Up CIPEC, a twice-monthly newsletter on energy efficiency in mining and manufacturing, with the mandate of keeping its readers abreast of developments in the Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation (CIPEC);
  • Heads Up Energy Efficiency, a bilingual bi-monthly newsletter on energy efficiency initiatives that provides timely information on client successes, new technologies and other product lines of the OEE, as well as information on related programs within Natural Resources Canada (NRCan).

Housing - General Public

  • EnerGuide Appliance Directory;
  • EnerGuide Directory of Room Air Conditioners;
  • A New House that Saves (brochure that introduces the EnerGuide for New Houses initiative);
  • Adding up the Savings for Your New Home (fact sheet that explains the EnerGuide for New Houses rating label);
  • ENERGY STAR for New Homes (brochure that introduces the ENERGY STAR for New Homes initiative);
  • Quality You Can Trust (brochure that introduces the R-2000 Program);
  • R-2000: Value for Money (fact sheet that outlines the financial benefits of an R-2000 home);
  • Breath Easier with Healthy Ventilation and Fewer Pollutants (fact sheet about the added comfort of an R-2000 home);
  • Improving Window Energy Efficiency (fact sheet);
  • Air-Leakage Control (fact sheet);
  • Moisture Problems (fact sheet);
  • Keeping the Heat In (comprehensive manual on residential energy retrofit).

Housing, Contractors and Retailers

  • EnerGuide Appliance Directory (EnerGuide retailer information);
  • EnerGuide Directory of Room Air Conditioners (EnerGuide retailer information);
  • Whole House Retrofit Techniques (manual);
  • Offer Your Customers a Home that Pays them Back Year After Year (brochure introducing EnerGuide for New Houses to builders);
  • R-2000 Better than Ever (brochure introducing the R-2000 Initiative to builders).

Numerous housing publications are available to consumers and to housing contractors and retailers on the OEE's Web site, as well as in print.

Fleet Energy Management

  • FleetSmart;
  • On the Road (FleetSmart's newsletter).

Energy Efficiency Regulations

  • Guide to Canada's Energy Efficiency Regulations

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Office of Energy Efficiency - Publications
Natural Resources Canada
18th Floor
580 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0E4
Telephone: 613-995-2943
Fax: 613-740-3114
Toll-free (publications): 1-800-387-2000