Symbol of the Government of Canada

Multiculturalism Program

Canadian Heritage

Last Verified: 2007-08-28

Under the Multiculturalism Program, the Government of Canada provides funding assistance in the form of grants and contributions for projects that:

  • address at least one Program objective;
  • emphasize social development; and
  • highlight community initiative, partnership and self-help.

Project proposals are assessed and recommended by the Department of Canadian Heritage staff for approval by the Secretary of State, Multiculturalism, the Minister responsible for the Status of Women, using the terms and conditions for project funding.

As described in the assessment process these include:

  • meeting the general assessment criteria; and
  • addressing the additional assessment guidelines.

In addition, funding preference is given to projects that address priorities of the Multiculturalism Program. The Secretary of State, Multiculturalism, Status of Women and the Department of Canadian Heritage set priorities to focus on community needs and/or emerging issues. Applicants should consult their Program Officer about current priorities.

Eligibility Criteria

The Program accepts funding applications from non-profit* or community-based organizations (including ad hoc committees, multicultural and ethno-cultural organizations, associations or centres, non-governmental organizations, coalitions, and umbrella organizations). In addition, public institutions, private enterprises (for specific, limited purposes), individual Canadian citizens and landed immigrants may apply.

The Multiculturalism Program operates on a fiscal year basis commencing on April 1 of each year. Applications can be submitted throughout the fiscal year. There are no routine, preset deadlines. The program however, will from time to time, initiate "strategic calls" for proposals. Funding is not provided following start up of a project. Please allow sufficient time in advance of the proposed start date of your project to:

  • develop your proposal;
  • complete the application form; and
  • allow for assessment of your proposal.

Assessment time lines will vary according to the nature and content of a proposal. Anticipate a minimum of six weeks to consider and to process approval of an application following receipt of a final project proposal. Program Officers are in a position to provide an indication of the time that may be required.


The Multiculturalism Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage is one important means by which the government pursues the goals of the multiculturalism policy.

This program focuses on initiatives to achieve the following Program objectives:

Ethno-racial minorities participate in public decision-making

  • Assist in the development of strategies that facilitate full and active participation of ethnic, religious, and cultural communities in Canadian society.

Communities and the broad public engage in informed dialogue and sustained action to combat racism

  • Increase public awareness, understanding and informed public dialogue about multiculturalism, racism and cultural diversity in Canada;
  • Facilitate collective community initiatives and responses to ethnic, racial, religious, and cultural conflict and hate-motivated activities.

Public institutions eliminate systemic barriers

  • Improve the ability of public institutions to respond to ethnic, religious and cultural diversity by assisting in the identification and removal of barriers to equitable access and by supporting the involvement of these communities in public decision-making processes.

Federal policies, programs and services respond to ethno-racial diversity

  • Encourage and assist in the development of inclusive policies, programs, and practices within federal departments and agencies so that they may meet their obligations under the Canadian Multiculturalism Act.

The guidelines and application form are available on the Canadian Heritage Web site.

Note: "non-profit" also known as nonprofit organizations, non profit organizations, not-for-profit organizations, voluntary organizations and volunteer organizations.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Multiculturalism, Regional Office
Canadian Heritage
Unit 106, 3rd Floor
1045 Main Street
Moncton, New Brunswick  E1C 1H1
Telephone: 506-851-7066
Fax: 506-851-7079
Web site:

National Contact(s):
Multiculturalism National Office
Canadian Heritage
11th Floor
15 Eddy Street
Gatineau, Quebec  K1A 0M5
Telephone: 819-953-1970
Fax: 819-997-0880
Toll-free (information): 1-888-77-MULTI or 1-888-776-8584
Web site: