Symbol of the Government of Canada

Canadian Studies Program

Canadian Heritage

Last Verified: 2007-04-11

The Canadian Studies Program's Funding Competition is currently closed. Should you wish to obtain more information, please contact the program by e-mail at or via the toll-free telephone line at 1-877-392-4243.

The Canadian Studies Program assists Canadians in learning about their country. The Program supports the development of Canadian Studies learning tools and materials for use by educators and the general public.

Eligibility Criteria

National non-profit* organizations, private sector companies and corporations (such as Canadian film, computer software or print publishers), individual Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.

Eligible Activities

Developing learning materials on Canada.


The objective of the Canadian Studies Program is to foster a greater sense of Canadian identity and attachment to Canada by:

  • helping Canadians create quality learning materials that enhance our knowledge about Canada;
  • developing and encouraging the use of Canadian Studies learning materials in content areas contributing to our knowledge of Canada and to our identity as Canadians; and
  • increasing youth knowledge of Canada.

The Program administers two funding components; each supports the development of a variety of quality learning materials. Applicants may request up to 50% of the funds required for the research and development costs to develop a print, audio, audio-visual, new media, or multimedia learning tool, or a combination thereof. Projects must be judged to be consistent with the goals of the Canadian Studies Program and must conform to the general eligibility conditions of the Program.

When funding is available, the Canadian Studies Program announces a theme on November 1 for its Annual Call for Proposals. Proposals for that theme are accepted from the following May 1 until September 1. The Annual Call for Proposals will be closed before the September 1 deadline if all available funds have been committed.

The Annual Funding Competition component operates on a competitive basis. Not all proposals that meet the eligibility requirements will receive funding. Please consult the Canadian Studies Web site for further developments.

The guide and the application form are available on line.

Potential applicants are strongly urged to read the applicants' guide, which can be downloaded from the Web site or requested by telephone before discussing their project with a Canadian Studies program officer. For more information, you may visit the Canadian Heritage Web site.

Note: "non-profit" also known as nonprofit organizations, non profit organizations, not-for-profit organizations, voluntary organizations and volunteer organizations.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Canadian Studies Program
Canadian Heritage
12 York Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1N 5S6
Telephone: 613-998-9030
Fax: 613-998-9008
Toll-free (information): 1-877-392-4243
Web site: