Symbol of the Government of Canada

Canadian Magazine Fund

Canadian Heritage

Last Verified: 2007-08-22

Launched in 2000, the Canada Magazine Fund (CMF) is a key element of the Government of Canada's comprehensive policy to support the Canadian magazine industry. The CMF was established to safeguard diverse Canadian voices in a rapidly evolving marketplace. It provides support to Canadian magazine publishers for the creation of Canadian content for Canadian readers, to initiatives that improve the viability and business development of smaller publishers, and to broader initiatives that support industry development.

The objectives of the CMF are to:

  • foster the creation of Canadian editorial content in Canadian magazines;
  • increase Canadians' access to Canadian magazines;
  • enhance the quality and diversity of Canadian magazines; and
  • strengthen the infrastructure of the Canadian magazine industry.

There are four components of the CMF:

  1. Support for Editorial Content
  2. Support for Business Development for Small Magazine Publishers
  3. Support for Arts and Literary Magazines
  4. Support for Industry Development

Eligibility Criteria

The complete eligibility criteria are available in the guides for each CMF components.


Support for Editorial Content

The objective of this component is maintain high levels of Canadian editorial content in paid circulation magazines produced by Canadian publishing firms.

Some of the key eligibility criteria are:


  • be Canadian-owned and -controlled; and
  • have its principal place of business in Canada.


  • have completed a 12-month publishing cycle;
  • be edited, published and printed in Canada;
  • have a minimum paid circulation of 50%;
  • have an average of at least 80% Canadian editorial content;
  • have an average circulation of 2,500 or more copies per issue;
  • have between 5% and 70% advertising content and at least $20,000 ad revenues if average circulation per issue is between 2,500 and 10,000 copies; and
  • have between 10% and 70% advertising content and at least $60,000 ad revenues if average circulation per issue is over 10,000 copies.

Formula based on a magazine's Canadian eligible editorial expenses.

Application deadline every autumn, annually.

Support for Business Development for Small Magazine Publishers

The objective of this component is to support the growth of small magazine publishers in Canada by investing in group and individual projects that will increase the magazine's circulation, advertising revenues, and visibility.

Some of the key eligibility criteria are:


  • be Canadian-owned and -controlled;
  • have its principal place of business in Canada; and
  • have a total average circulation for all titles published of 50,000 copies per issue or less.


  • have completed a 12-month publishing cycle;
  • be edited, published and printed in Canada;
  • have an average of at least 80% Canadian editorial content;
  • have no more than 70% advertising content; and
  • have an average circulation of between 250 and 20,000 copies per issue.

* Funding targets small magazines with at least 50% average paid circulation. However, magazines with less than 50% paid circulation may be eligible for projects aimed at building the level of paid circulation.

Project Funding
To be determined in consultation with the Program.

Applicants are required to submit a complete application at least four months prior to the beginning of the project.

Support for Arts and Literary Magazines

The objective of this component is to enhance the viability of Canadian magazines that focus on the arts and literature.

Some of the key eligibility criteria are:


  • be Canadian-owned and -controlled; and
  • have its principal place of business in Canada.


  • have completed a 12-month publishing cycle;
  • be edited, published and printed in Canada;
  • have a minimum paid circulation of 50% of total circulation;
  • have an average of at least 80% Canadian editorial content; and
  • be recognized for excellence and awarded a grant by the Canada Council for the Arts.

Formula based on a magazine's total eligible expenditures on editorial content and production.
Application deadline in April, annually.

Support for Industry Development

The objective of this component is to encourage collective growth and efficiency in the Canadian periodical publishing industry by investing in industry-wide or association-based projects that will contribute to the long-term viability of the Canadian magazine and periodical industry. Projects could include training and professional development initiatives, analysis of industry trends, initiatives aimed at strengthening domestic distribution networks, or initiatives designed to market and promote the services of Canadian creators as well as the industry as a whole.

Some of the key eligibility criteria are:

  • have a mandate of encouraging excellence, representing and informing the magazine and periodical industry, promoting magazines and periodicals in Canada, and/or delivering educational or consultative programs;
  • be incorporated as a non-profit organization;
  • be in operation for at least one full financial year;
  • represent members of the Canadian magazine and periodical industry; and
  • be Canadian-controlled.

Project Funding
To be determined in consultation with the Program.

Applicants are required to submit a complete application at least four months prior to the beginning of the project.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Canada Magazine Fund (CMF)
Canadian Heritage
4th Floor
15 Eddy Street
Gatineau, Quebec  K1A 0M5
Fax: 819-953-7782
Toll-free (information): 1-888-357-3116
Web site: