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NBAB-Artist-in-Residence Program

New Brunswick Arts Board - NBAB

Last Verified: 2008-02-08

This document is based on information from the New Brunswick Arts Board Web site as of February 2008.

The Artist-in-Residence Program is intended for New Brunswick public or private institutions and organizations that wish to host professional artists in order to enable them to pursue specific projects relating to their creative work. The program is also open to individual professionals who seek to advance their creative work through participation in residency opportunities at home or outside the province. The artists in residence are to contribute to the promotion and understanding of the arts by means of the artists contact with the clientele of the establishments.

Eligibility Criteria

A public or private institution or organization is eligible to apply if:

  • it is established in New Brunswick;
  • it can present as a candidate artist-in-residence a professional artist who has made significant contributions in an arts discipline and who continues to be active in the profession; and
  • it can present a project which meets the objectives of the program.

An individual artist is eligible to apply if:

  • he or she has been a resident of New Brunswick for the twelve months immediately preceding the deadline date; and
  • he or she presents a residency project that meets the objectives of the program.

Restrictions: Residencies shall not include regular teaching duties.


Level of funding

For individuals and non-profit organizations

Level of funding is 100% of stipend to a maximum of $5,000 for periods up to six months (short term), and to a maximum of $10,000 for periods from 6 months to 12 months (full term).

For institutions and for-profit organizations

Level of funding is a maximum 50% of budget (hosting party must contribute at least 50% of costs), to a maximum of $5, 000 for periods from 1 to six months (short term) and to a maximum of $10,000 for periods from 6 months to 12 months (full term).

Payment of the grant is made as follows:

  • 70% of the grant will be issued on approval of a project confirmation report.
  • the remaining 30% will be forwarded upon receipt and approval of a financial report and a Final Report within 30 days of completion of the event.

The allocation of the approved grant remains conditional on the realization of the project submitted and recommended. A recipient is not eligible for a new grant until the Final Report on the last completed project for which funding was received has been submitted and approved. The juried programs are financed by the Arts Development Trust Fund (lottery). 
How to apply

Deadline for submitting application: February 1st

It is the responsibility of each applicant to ensure that all materials required to complete his or her file are received by the NB Arts Board, or postmarked, by the deadline of the competition. Interested New Brunswick professional artists, public or private institutions and organizations must forward to the NB Arts Board a complete file containing:

  • a Juried Program Application Form duly completed, and
  • all the required support material and samples of work stated under the headings "Requirements" and "Samples of Work". 

For more information on the Artist-in-Residence Program or how to apply, please call the New Brunswick Arts Board at : 1-866-460-2787 or visit the Web site:

New Brunswick Contact(s):
New Brunswick Arts Board
Room 300
634 Queen Street
Fredericton, New Brunswick  E3B 1C2
Telephone: 506-444-4444
Fax: 506-444-5543
Toll-free (information): 1-866-460-2787