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WCS-Arts Development - Cultural Industries Funding Programs

Wellness, Culture and Sport - WCS

Last Verified: 2008-02-11

This document is based on information from Wellness, Culture and Sport Web Site, February 2008.

The Arts Development Branch supports arts organizations, associations, community groups, and cultural industries (sound recording, book publishing and fine craft) by providing consultative services and financial assistance.

Eligibility Criteria

Arts organizations, associations, community groups, and cultural industries.


Cultural Industries Funding Programs

Music and Sound Recording (New Brunswick Sound Initiative Program)
The primary goal of the New Brunswick Sound Initiative Program (NBSI) is to promote the development of the music industry of New Brunswick by supporting production, marketing and promotion of sound recordings, and by supporting professional development initiatives for the sound recording industry.

The NBSI provides financial assistance, in the form of grants comprising eight financial assistance components:

  • Production Activities
    • Emerging Artists Assistance
    • Album Production Assistance
  • Marketing and Promotion Activities
    • Album Marketing and Promotion Assistance
    • Stage Performance Assistance
    • Networking and Business Travel Assistance
  • Professional Development Activities
    • Professional Development and Promotion Assistance
    • Professional Stage Image Assistance

Book and Periodical Publishers
Book Publishers
This program supports the publication of works by residents of New Brunswick which reflect the culture and heritage of the province. The Arts Development Branch accepts requests for financial assistance from publishers only; writers and translators have to submit to publishers. This program is limited to wholly Canadian-owned publishing companies whose chief place of business is located in New Brunswick, and whose regular program of publishing has included not less than three titles.

Periodical Publishers
This program of financial assistance is intended to support the publication of literary, performing and visual arts periodicals which serve as outlets for the writers of fiction, poetry, drama and literary criticism or which report on the visual or performing arts in New Brunswick. Applications under this program shall be limited to wholly Canadian-owned companies or to non-profit cultural organizations whose chief place of business is located in New Brunswick. In exceptional cases, periodicals which are published in other provinces of the Atlantic region and which are of a regional scope will be eligible for assistance.

Fine Crafts
This program supports the craft industry of the province by allocating an operational grant to its provincial organization, which has the responsibility of ensuring quality fine craft by administering a juried process.

Arts Festivals
The purpose of the Arts Festivals program is to assist arts festival organizers in presenting professional events in performing arts, literary arts, crafts, films and videos that have a national and international scope. Its general objectives are to encourage organizations to develop high-quality programming and to increase the production and dissemination of quality New Brunswick arts festivals.

For more information and for application forms for the above-mentioned programs, visit the Wellness, Culture and Sport Web site at: or call 506-453-2555.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Arts Development Branch
Wellness, Culture and Sport
Place 2000
250 King Street
P. O. Box 6000
Fredericton, New Brunswick  E3B 5H1
Telephone: 506-453-2555
Fax: 506-453-2416