Symbol of the Government of Canada

National Water Supply Expansion Program

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

Last Verified: 2007-09-14

The National Water Supply Expansion Program (NWSEP) provides financial and technical assistance to the agricultural community across Canada to help reduce the risk of future water shortages, and to meet the everyday growing needs of a vibrant Canadian agricultural sector. It is expected that such goals can be reached through the planning and development of secure, healthy and reliable water resources.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible applicants for NWSEP assistance include:

  • agri-businesses and rural enterprises; and
  • individual and/or incorporated groups of farmers and ranchers.

Eligible Activities

Three tiers of projects are eligible for assistance under the NWSEP:

  • Tier 1 -- On-farm water infrastructure
  • Tier 2 -- Multi-user water supplies
  • Tier 3 -- Strategic initiatives


The National Water Supply Expansion Program (NWSEP) is a four-year, $60-million initiative under the Agriculture Policy Framework (APF). The NWSEP supports the Environment element of the APF through the development, enhancement and protection of vital water resources to help address water constraints in agricultural areas of Canada.

Three tiers of projects are eligible for assistance under the NWSEP:

Tier 1 -- On-farm water infrastructure: Smaller scale water development projects, such as dugouts/ponds, off-stream storage, wells and pasture pipelines, which provide secure, safe and reliable water supplies for agricultural use.

Tier 2 -- Multi-user water supplies:  Larger scale infrastructure projects, such as tank loaders and regional water pipelines, which provide a long-term agricultural water source for a number of water users and promote economic growth in an area or region.

Tier 3 -- Strategic initiatives:  Studies, planning activities and/or undertakings that increase the knowledge base of the water resource. Strategic work includes the development of information and technologies or the dissemination of information. Activities include, but are not limited to, regional groundwater studies, regional groundwater exploration and testing, regional water management and water supply planning, feasibility studies, and information extension activities.

Each NWSEP project must comply with the following criteria:

  • reduce the risk of future water shortages;
  • meet a provincial water development priority;
  • be scientifically, technically and financially feasible;
  • be environmentally acceptable;
  • enhance the potential for rural economic growth; and
  • result in a long-term water supply solution.

Federal financial assistance

*Tier 1 -- On-Farm Infrastructure: Through the NWSEP, Canada will provide a federal contribution of up to one third (1/3) of eligible project costs to a maximum of $5 000 per project. The program maximum is $15 000 per applicant.

Tier 2 -- Multi-User Infrastructure:  For Tier 2 projects, Canada will provide a federal contribution of up to one-third (1/3) of eligible costs.

Tier 3 -- Strategic Work:  Cost sharing arrangements and will be determined and approved on a project-by-project basis.

Please visit the program Web site for more detailed information on the NWSEP in your province.


Please see details and deadlines applicable to your province or territory, links to which are provided on the Program Web site.

* Some provinces have elected to contribute additional funding towards Tier 1 projects.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Marc Chénier
Coordinator, Agroenvironmental Programs
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
2001 University Street
Montréal, Quebec  H3A 3N2
Telephone: 514-315-6173
Fax: 514-496-3966
Web site:

Northern Alberta, B.C. and Peace River Region
Mr. Dave Kiely
Acting Regional Director/Manager, National Water Supply Expansion Program
Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Canada Place
9700 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 4G5
Telephone: 780-495-6365
Fax: 780-495-4504
E-mail: or
Web site: