Symbol of the Government of Canada

Cover Crop Protection Program

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

Last Verified: 2007-09-13

The Cover Crop Protection Program (CCPP) is a national initiative of financial help for Canadian producers enrolled in production insurance who are unable to seed commercial crops due to spring flooding or excessive field moisture.

The Program may provide a one-time payment of $15 per acre for eligible claims of 10 acres or more.

Eligibility Criteria

Agricultural producers (including farmers and ranchers) or farm-based entities that control agricultural land. The program is applicable to:

  • producers with unseeded acreage benefit claims who are unable to plant commercial crops due to spring flooding or excessive moisture; and/or
  • producers enrolled in production insurance who are unable to plant commercial crops due to spring flooding and/or excessive moisture.

Eligible Activities

Flood-damaged land will be verified through a validation process using production insurance information and crop inspections. The 2007 program focuses on Canada's most affected regions.

Please note: The minimum eligible acreage per claim is 10 acres.





  • help affected producers cover costs associated with land restoration and improvement due to flooding;
  • improve short-term cash flow for insured producers;
  • recognize the hardships faced by producers due to flooding; and
  • help reduce soil erosion by helping producers re-seed affected lands, bringing them back into production.

How do producers obtain financial assistance?

Program claimants must be enrolled in production insurance to be eligible for CCPP assistance. More information will be mailed directly to eligible production insurance clients.

When sending in relevant information and completing the program declaration form, claimants must declare that land normally intended for seeding commercial crops was not seeded in the spring of the year due to excessive moisture and/or flooding.

Producers enrolled in production insurance with land or crops not insured for unseeded acreage benefits must contact CCPP administrators and file an unseeded acreage claim with the program. These claims will be subject to field inspections.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Cover Crop Protection Program
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Telephone: 613-759-1000
Fax: 613-759-7977
Toll-free (information): 1-800-667-8567
Web site: