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F-Fish Processing Plant Licence Program

Fisheries - F

Last Verified: 2008-02-05

Act: Fish Processing Act
Regulation: 88-276

To Whom Does This Apply?

Individual or corporations interested in establishing, operating or maintaining a fish processing plant in New Brunswick.


This document is based on information from the Government of New Brunswick (Services) Web site, February 2008.

The Registrar of Fish Processing is responsible for the licensing of all fish processing plants in the province of New Brunswick under the Fish Processing Act.

An application has to be filed through the regional Fish Inspector before consideration is given by the Registrar of Fish Processing.

According to the Fish Processing Act, processing is defined to include cleaning, filleting, smoking, salting, marinating, pickling, drying, canning, cooking, freezing, comminuting, packing, icing or preparing fish for sale in any other manner. A processing plant is any place where fish are processed for sale. No person is permitted to establish, operate or maintain a processing plant unless he is the holder of a Processing Plant licence issued by the Registrar of Fish Processing. A Processing Plant Licence will specify the location of the processing plant and the species permitted to be processed there.

There are three types of applications relating to the Fish Processing Act:

  • Application for a Fish Processing Plant Licence
  • Application to re-equip, modify and/or expand a plant
  • Application to process additional species

Applications are received through any of Department of Fisheries' regional offices. Once an application has been processed by the regional inspector it is sent to the Registrar of Fish Processing who coordinates an application review and then renders a decision on the application. A decision of the Registrar may be appealed by the applicant to the Minister through a process established in the General Regulation of the Fish Processing Act.

For additional information and application forms, visit the Web site : or call 506-453-5229.

Information contained in this section is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. For particular questions, the users are invited to contact their lawyer. For additional information, see contact(s) listed below.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Mr. Ghislain Chiasson
Registrar of Fish Processing
Department of Fisheries
P.O. Box 6000
Fredericton, New Brunswick  E3B 5H1
Telephone: 506-453-5229
Fax: 506-453-5210