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UdeM-Research Centres

Université de Moncton - UdeM

Last Verified: 2008-02-15

Research Centres - Université de Moncton Nouveau-Brunswick (site available in French only).

Eligibility Criteria

Industrial concerns, businesses, faculty members, researchers, students, government agencies, research centres, private and public sector organizations.


Innovation Support Office
The Innovation Support Office is mandated to maximize the benefits society can draw from the research and development activities of the University's professors and researchers. Its main role is to act as a technology transfer interface between the university community and the outside world.

Centre Assomption de recherche et de développement en entrepreneuriat
(Entrepreneurship Research and Development Centre)
The Centre Assomption is an entrepreneurship research and development centre that works to promote research and entrepreneurship training within the business community. The Centre serves as a liaison between Université de Moncton and the Acadian and Maritime business communities, especially among small and medium-size companies.

International Marketing Centre
The International Marketing Centre (IMC)'s mission is to encourage and promote international trade in New Brunswick's business community by maximizing the interaction between Administration Faculty students/professors and private sector enterprises. The IMC is the cornerstone of the Administration Faculty's international training. In addition to serving the business community, the IMC uses its partnerships with exporters to provide Administration Faculty students the opportunity to participate in trade missions as well study and travel abroad.

Eastern Canada Soil and Water Conservation Centre
The Eastern Canada Soil and Water Conservation Centre is a non-governmental agency that works in cooperation with private and public stakeholders to promote sustainable resource management in agriculture. The Centre complements the efforts of its partners.  Sustainable resource management systems involve farming our natural resources in ways that are economically viable and meet society's needs for safe and nutritious food, while maintaining or enhancing the resource base and quality of the environment for future generations.

Wind Engineering Centre
The Wind Engineering Centre has an automatic wind tunnel. The Centre conducts experimental studies on such fields as aerodynamics, ventilation, architecture, urban planning, snow accumulation, and pollution dispersion. The Centre simultaneously performs numerical modelling for various types of fluid flows under a variety of conditions, with or without heat transfer.

Research Centre on Energy Conversion
The Research Centre on Energy Conversion is an advanced research facility specializing in the development of efficient energy systems that have a positive impact on the environment.

Research Centre on Applied Linguistics
The goal of the Research Centre on Applied Linguistics (RCAL) is to promote language science research and training activities. RCAL brings together researchers from Université de Moncton's three constituent institutions and can call on outside researchers and specialists for certain projects.

Environmental Sciences Research Centre
Created to study all environment-related issues at the local, regional and national levels, the Centre's ultimate goal is to prevent or correct situations affecting the environment.

Food Research Centre
The Food Research Centre (FRC) delivers specialized food research services to the Atlantic Canada food industry, with emphasis on New Brunswick clients.  Its objective is to assist food processors with applied research, new product development, as well as chemical, microbial and sensory analyses. The FRC's highly qualified scientific staff offers practical, high-quality expertise to the agri-food and marine sectors.  The FRC wants to shift its focus to small and medium-size companies, with a view to complementing their resources and spurring technological innovation.

Centre de traduction et de terminologie juridiques - CTTJ
(Legal Translation and Terminology Centre)
The CTTJ was created in 1979 by the Université de Moncton Faculty of Law to support the implementation of judicial bilingualism in Canadian provinces and territories using common law.

Centre international pour le développement de l'inforoute en français - CIDIF (International Centre for the Development of the Information Highway in French)
CIDIF is a non-profit organization whose mandate is to monitor cyberspace technology and promote it to a wide francophone audience through the continuous dissemination of relevant strategic information.

For information on other research centres or for further information on research centres listed above, please contact Université de Moncton by phone toll-free at
1-800-363-8336, extension 2, or visit the University's Web site (available in French only) at:

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Université de Moncton
165 Massey Ave.
Moncton, New Brunswick  E1A 3E9
Telephone: 506-858-4113
Fax: 506-858-4544
Toll-free (information): 1-800-363-8336 ext. 2