Government of Manitoba

Moving on Sustainable Transportation Program (MOST)

Transport Canada

Last Verified: 2008-02-19

Transport Canada has established the Moving On Sustainable Transportation (MOST) Program to support projects that produce the kinds of education, awareness and analytical tools needed to make sustainable transportation a reality.

The MOST Program provides funding to help support projects that will:

  • provide Canadians with practical information and tools to better understand sustainable transportation issues;
  • encourage the creation of innovative ways to promote sustainable transportation; and
  • achieve quantifiable environmental and sustainable-development benefits.


Project Categories

The projects listed below are examples of the type of project that promotes sustainable transportation in Canada. Each example falls into one of five project proposal categories. You may also wish to review descriptions of projects that received funding from the MOST program under funded projects (available on the Transport Canada Web site).

Category 1 - Studies or analyses which contribute to greater understanding of sustainable transportation issues

A potential project in this category could be a study to analyse the current state of transportation within a specific community, the growth pressures the community would face in the future and the direction it should take in managing its transportation system.

Category 2 - Development of new and innovative sustainable transportation tools and practices

A potential project in this category could be to develop a program to offer the public the use of free bicycles for commuting within the city core. For example, 1 000 road-safe bicycles painted a particular colour would be available free of charge to the community. Volunteers and trained mechanics would pick up used and unwanted bicycles, prepare them for use and maintain them. Such a project would give members of society the opportunity to use and learn about non-polluting transportation options.

Category 3 - Pilot projects which test new sustainable transportation approaches or alternatives

A potential project in this category could focus on demonstration of the use of an electric vehicle in a particular area for business travel during a specific period. Such a project would assess the applicability of electric vehicles for participating organizations.

Category 4 - Workshops and information sessions to support new sustainable transportation ideas or approaches

A potential project in this category could be a series of workshops or conferences showcasing contributions to sustainable transportation. Key policy-makers, business people and community and labour leaders can share perspectives, success stories and lessons learned. Such projects promote multi-stakeholder dialogue and actions necessary for sustainable transportation solutions.

Category 5 - Education and outreach programs that inform the Canadian public about sustainable transportation

A potential project in this category could focus on initiatives such as green commute programs which encourage the use of active transportation (walk/cycle/skate), public transit/carpooling and teleworking.

Manitoba Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Moving on Sustainable Transportation (MOST) Program
Office of Environmental Affairs
Sustainable Development Division
Transport Canada
18th Floor, Tower C
Place de Ville
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0N5
Telephone: 613-998-6607
Fax: 613-993-8674
Web site: