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Adult Criminal Court

This information is of a general nature only, and cannot be taken as advice with respect to any specific matter. Individuals must seek legal advice through a qualified lawyer in respect to any matter affecting them.

The Adult Criminal Division of the Provincial Court deals with the large majority of all criminal charges laid in the Province of Saskatchewan. This includes charges under the Criminal Code of Canada, The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, The Income Tax Act and other statutes passed by the Parliament of Canada. Court is held in thirteen major centers where permanent court offices are located, as well as in seventy-eight other circuit point locations in the Province.

Criminal offences in Canada are divided into summary conviction and indictable offences. All criminal charges begin with an appearance in The Provincial Court. All summary conviction offences and some indictable offences must be adjudicated in Provincial Court. Other indictable offences have a right-of-election by the person charged to determine the mode of trial. In the event that an election is made to have a trial in the Court of Queen's Bench, either by a judge alone, or by a judge and jury, a preliminary hearing is held in Provincial Court. Election for trial in the Provincial Court will mean that the trial take place in Provincial Court without a preliminary hearing. In both summary and indictable matters, however, disclosure is made by the Crown Prosecutor to any person charged with an offence who requests disclosure.

In Regina and Saskatoon, Traffic Safety Court and By-Law Court deal with offences under Provincial Statutes. In all court locations other than Saskatoon and Regina, charges laid under Provincial Statutes are also dealt with in Provincial Court.