Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?

In 1915, The King's Bench Act was passed abolishing the Supreme Court and creating "his Majesty's Court of King's Bench for Saskatchewan."

Regina Office
120-2151 Scarth Street
Regina, SK. S4P 2H8

Debt Management and Credit Counselling Inquiry:
Phone: (306) 787-5387
Fax: (306) 787-5574

Saskatoon Office
Main Floor, Sturdy Stone Building
122 - 3rd Avenue North
Saskatoon SK S7K 2H6

Debt Management and Credit Counselling Inquiry:
Phone: (306) 933-6520
Fax: (306) 933-7030

OR : Phone toll free: 1-888-215-2222
Fax toll free: 1-888-867-7776

Debt Mediation Counselling Services

The Provincial Mediation Board provides budgeting advice and counselling to individuals with personal debt problems.  It may be able to arrange repayment plans with creditors.  The Board also deals with problems of debtors related to property tax arrears, eviction of commercial tenants and residential mortgage foreclosures.

Does this sound like you?

  • I am having trouble making it from paycheque to paycheque.
  • My charge accounts are at their limit and I am not able to meet the minimum monthly payment.
  • My bank account is overdrawn.
  • My utilities are going to be cut off.
  • My spouse and I are separating because of money problems.
  • My creditors are calling me for payments.
  • They are threatening to take me to court or repossess my car.
  • My paycheque has been garnisheed.
  • I give up trying to manage the situation.


Debt Management and Credit Counsellors can help

If you have done what you can and still are in too deep, you may want to contact the Debt Management and Credit Counselling Program at the Provincial Mediation Board to learn about and/or get assistance with possible solutions.

Click here for suggestions on managing your financial situation yourself
Click here for ways a Debt Management and Credit Counsellor could assist you to work out your financial situation with creditors.
Click here for soluction that may be available to you under The Provincial Mediation Board Act.
Click here for legal remedies to establish a debt repayment arrangement under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada).
Click here for the application form with guidelines that may be helpful to you in completing the income and living expense sections.

© 2008 Government of Saskatchewan. All rights reserved.