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Manitoba Advanced Education and Literacy

Post-Secondary Education Information

Agreements | Statutes | By-Law | Glossary

Inter-Provincial / International Agreements:

Manitoba - Ontario | Manitoba - Saskatchewean | Manitoba - Minnesota

Manitoba – Ontario

As a result of an agreement with Ontario, three Manitoba residents per year may enter the Faculty of Optometry at the University of Waterloo, if all other entrance criteria are met. Application should be made directly to the University. Most successful applicants have a minimum of two years of university courses in science, English and statistics.

For more information, contact:

School of Optometry
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Tel: (519) 888 - 4567 ext. 2782

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Manitoba – Saskatchewan

As a result of an agreement with Saskatchewan, thirteen Manitoba residents per year may enter the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, if all other entrance requirements are met. Application should be made directly to the College. The minimum entrance requirement is two years of post-secondary education, with many Manitoba residents having completed a Bachelor's degree from the University of Manitoba, University or Winnipeg or Brandon University prior to admission to WCVM.

For more information, contact:

Western College of Veterinary Medicine
52 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5B4
Tel: (306) 966 - 7454
Fax: (306) 966 - 7314

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Manitoba – Minnesota Reciprocity Agreement

Students wishing to take advantage of this agreement should inquire with the institution where they plan to enrol. Indicate that you wish to obtain the reciprocal tuition rate and be prepared to provide proof of Manitoba residency. Each institution may have its own application procedure.

The Minnesota Higher Education Services Office provides general information on reciprocity agreements and specific information on the Manitoba-Minnesota Reciprocity Agreement.

Manitoba students wishing to attend the University of Minnesota and take advantage of the reciprocity agreement can find more information on the following Web pages:

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The Brandon University Act
The Colleges Act
The Council on Post-Secondary Education Act
Le Collège Universitaire de Saint Boniface Act
The University College of the North Act
The Mennonite College Federation Act
The University of Manitoba Act
The University of Winnipeg Act


Conflict of Interest By-Law pdf format (53 KB)

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A Glossary of Acronyms used by COPSE

ACC: Assiniboine Community College

ACCC: Association of Canadian Community Colleges

ACCSA: Assiniboine Community College Students’ Association

AJIC: Aboriginal Justice Inquiry Commission

AUCC: Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada

BEF: Bureau de L’Éducation Française

BU: Brandon University

BUFA: Brandon University Faculty Association

BUNTEP: Brandon University Northern Teacher Education Program (a BU ACCESS program)

BUSU: Brandon University Students’ Union

CAHRD: Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development

CASA: Canadian Alliance of Student Associations

CAUBO: Canadian Association of University Business Officers

CAUT: Canadian Association of University Teachers

CCAP N&S: Community College Access Program North and South (RRC)

CCEPAC: Child Care Education Program Approval Committee

CEI: College Expansion Initiative

CEGEP: an acronym for "collèges d'enseignement général et professionnel," a college system in Quebec that operates as a 'pre-university' system between high school and university. Students proceeding to university must go through two years of CEGEP, and they earn credits that are transferable to their degree. Students can also opt to take a 3-year CEGEP program that is career/technical in nature, and earn a diploma. CEGEP Tuition for Quebec residents is free. This system has been in place since 1967.

CETC: Co-operative Education Tax Credit

CFS: Canadian Federation of Students

CICIC: Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials

CIRPA: Canadian Institutional Research and Planning Association

CMB: Campus Manitoba

CMEC: Council of Ministers of Education Canada

CMU: Canadian Mennonite University

COGHI: Co-operative Graduates Hiring Incentive

COPSE: Council on Post-Secondary Education

COPUM: Council of Presidents of the Universities in Manitoba

CUSB: Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface

CVU: Canadian Virtual University

DACUM: Develop a Curriculum

ENGAP: Engineering ACCESS program (UM)

ESIS: Enhanced Student Information System

ETP: École technique et professionnelle

ETS: Employment and Training Services (a former branch of MAEL, now in CTT)

FAC: Finance Advisory Committee

FTE: Full-time equivalent (usually referring to students)

FYDE: First Year by Distance Education

HELG: Health Education Liaison Group

HRDC: Human Resources Development Canada

IPTA: Inter-provincial Training Agreement

ITC: Interim Transition Committee (defunct transitional body between UGC and COPSE)

IUN: Inter Universities North

KCC: Keewatin Community College

KCCSA: Keewatin Community College Students’ Association

MAEL: Manitoba Advanced Education and Literacy

MAET: Former name of Department: Manitoba Advanced Education and Training

MCF: Mennonite Colleges Federation (former name of the CMU)

MERLIN: Manitoba Education Research Learning Information Networks

MET: Manitoba Education and Training (former name of combined MAEL and MECY)

MECY: Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth

MNAC: Manitoba Nursing Advisory Council

MNES: Manitoba Nursing Education Strategy

MOFA: Manitoba Organization of Faculty Associations

MSA: Manitoba Student Aid

MSBI: Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative

NBSWP: Northern Bachelor of Social Work Program (a UM ACCESS program)

NDS: Northern Development Strategy

NGS: National Graduates Survey (Statistics Canada)

NNP: Northern Nursing Program (a KCC ACCESS program)

OECD: Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation

PAC: Program Advisory Committee

PAP: Program Approval Process

PHP: Professional Health Program (UM ACCESS program)

PLAR: Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

PSE: Post-Secondary Education

PSECLT: Post-Secondary Education Committee on Learning Technology

PVS: Private Vocational School

RRC: Red River College

RRCC: Red River Community College (former name of RRC)

RRCSA: Red River College Students’ Association

SBC: Steinbach Bible College

SFA: Student Financial Assistance (former name of MSA)

SNP: Southern Nursing Program (a RRC ACCESS program)

SPSP: Special Pre-medical Studies Program (a UM ACCESS program)

TCE: Training and Continuing Education (a division of MAET)

TRAF: Teachers’ Retirement Allowances Fund

UCN – University College of the North

UGC: Universities Grants Commission

UM: University of Manitoba

UMAP N&S: University of Manitoba ACCESS Program, North and South (UM ACCESS program)

UMFA: University of Manitoba Faculty Association

UMSU: University of Manitoba Students’ Union

UW: University of Winnipeg

UWFA: University of Winnipeg Faculty Association

UWSA: University of Winnipeg Students’ Association

WCBC: William & Catherine Booth College

WEC: Winnipeg Education Centre

WEC – Ed: Winnipeg Education Centre Education Program (a UW ACCESS Program)

WEC – SWP: Winnipeg Education Centre Social Work Program (a UM ACCESS Program)

WTC: Winnipeg Technical College

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