MERLIN Standards and Best Practices
Provincial Technology Standards Documentation Provincial Technology Standards Common Software Utilities


MERLIN Partner Program
Provincial Licensing/Purchasing
Internet Services
CyberSchools Education Portal
Web Delivery
Information Technology
Technical Training
Provincial Technology Standards
Links to other useful sites



Provincial Technology Standards

MERLIN has a core of highly trained specialists who play a role in developing core infrastructures and technology standards.
The intent is to lead a collaborative process with participation from the K-S4 community to develop and implement standards for the use of technology across Manitoba. This is an ongoing process intended to lead to lower costs for school divisions through standardization and collaboration.

  • Create and maintain architectural design standards and models
  • Develop and institute ‘best practice’ guidelines for installation and ongoing operation of hardware and software infrastructures
  • Development of an educational portal (CyberSchools) for cost-effective and efficient use of Internet connectivity.
  • For information on this service please contact our office.









MERLIN is a Special Operating Agency within the Department of Science, Technology, Energy and Mines
Manitoba Education Research & Learning Information Networks
100 - 135 Innovation Drive, Smart Park, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB,R3T 6A8
204-474-7800 footer address 204-474-7830 (fax) footer address 800-430-6404 (toll free)