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March, 2008

Special Audit: Rural Municipality of La Broquerie

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March, 2008

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Special Audit: Rural Municipality of La Broquerie

  • Table of Contents 1.0 Objectives, Scope and Approach
  • 2.0 Summary of Objectives, Conclusions and Recommendations
  • 3.0 Background
  • 3.1 The Municipal Act
  • 3.2 Department of Intergovernmental Affairs
  • 3.3 Municipal Board
  • 3.4 Rural Municipality of La Broquerie
  • 4.0 Internal Control Environment
  • 5.0 Administrative Issues
  • 5.1 Policies and Procedures
  • 5.2 Accounts Receivable - Paving Agreements
  • 5.3 Community Development Corporation
  • 5.4 Snow Clearing
  • 6.0 Compliance with Legislative Authority
  • 6.1 The Municipal Act
  • 6.2 The Municipal Council Conflict of Interest Act
  • 7.0 Senior Staff, Council - Remuneration and Expenses
  • 7.1 Senior Staff Remuneration
  • 7.2 Senior Staff Expense Accounts and Local Meal and Entertainment Expenses
  • 7.3 Councillor Remuneration and Expenses
  • 8.0 Capital Projects
  • 8.1 Approval Process
  • 9.0 Conflict of Interest
  • 9.1 Purchase of Land By RM for Lagoon Expansion
  • 9.2 Construction of Road on CAO Property
  • 10.0 Culverts and Roadways
  • 11.0 Department Monitoring Process
  • 12.0 Response from Officials
  • Appendices