GNWT Department of Finance


Why work for the Department of Finance, Government of the NWT?

  • Stimulating work. A small government means that you’ll be exposed to a wider variety of duties and responsibilities rather than getting stuck doing one small task over and over.

  • Opportunity to learn new skills. Along with exposure to a wider variety of work, comes the opportunity to learn new skills and widen your experience. The Government and the Department have developed and implemented policies that support and encourage both short-term training and longer-term education.

  • Opportunity for promotion. As a Northwest Territories resident for over a year, you will have priority status in applying for open positions.

  • Access to senior staff. In a small department like Finance, there aren’t a lot of layers of management between you and the Deputy Minister so your work won’t be edited and ‘interpreted’ by several layers of management.

  • Nice people. People in the North have developed warm hearts to counter the cold winter. People are friendlier here. Don’t be surprised if someone smiles and says hello to you as you’re walking down the street.

  • Support to your family situation. We recognize that people have different family and other requirements and not everyone can work a standard 8:30 am to 5:00 pm work schedule. We offer job sharing, flex time and compressed work weeks and are receptive to other ways to enable you to work for us. Our parental, adoption and maternity and related leave benefits are among the best in Canada. If you or your family have a medical problem that can’t be handled at one of the modern, well-equipped facilities in the Northwest Territories, the Government will fly the patient to the appropriate facility in Alberta.

  • Great benefits. The Government of the Northwest Territories offers a very competitive package of benefits. For a summary of these benefits, see Government of the Northwest Territories Employee Benefits

  • Fair working environment. The Government of the Northwest Territories recognizes the diversity of the Public Service and is committed to providing a work environment where all individuals are treated with fairness, dignity and respect. The GNWT endeavors to have a workplace free from sexual harassment, personal harassment and the abuse of authority. Link here for direct access to the Workplace Conflict Resolution Policy.

  • Automation. The Department of Finance believes in providing modern, efficient and effective tools to assist our employees. We believe that you should spend your time solving problems that your training and experience equipped you to handle, not trying to get old and tired equipment to work.

  • Fair Pay. The Government offers competitive salaries, an allowance for the extra costs associated with living in the north, annual pay increments and pay for performance for non-union staff.

  • Our values. The Department of Finance has adopted the following values to guide our work:

    • Integrity - We will be fair and honest in our work, respect the confidentiality of privileged information, and maintain a high standard of personal and ethical conduct.

    • Sensitivity and Tact - We will be respectful, understanding and responsive when dealing with others.

    • Professionalism - We will work to the highest professional standard and level of excellence. Our work will be timely and accurate and will incorporate sound judgement.

    • Innovation - We will use creative new ideas and imaginative solutions in our work.

A description of the Department of Finance and the component parts is here: About the Department of Finance