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Manitoba Conservation

160-123 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 1A5

Environmental Assessment and Licensing Branch
MISSION: The Environmental Assessment & Licensing Branch will ensure that developments are regulated in a manner that protects the environment, and sustains a high quality of life for present and future Manitobans.

The Environmental Assessment and Licensing Branch carries out its mission by:

  • administering development approval requirements of The Environment Act, The Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Act, The Public Health Act, and the Pesticides Regulation;
  • controlling municipal, industrial and hazardous waste sources of pollutants;
  • minimizing environmental impact of development proposals;
  • minimizing adverse effects to the environment and public health from pesticide use; and
  • administering the Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Regulation.

This is accomplished through the activities of three Sections of the Branch.