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Funding Initiatives

Manitoba Conservations offers a number of opportunities in the form of funding. 

Sustainable Development Innovations Fund (SDIF)

The SDIF provides funding for the development, implementation and promotion of environmental innovation and sustainable development projects delivered by local governments, industry, community and youth groups, Aboriginal organizations, and First Nation communities.  The SDIF supports innovative projects that contribute to the protection, enhancement, conservation and/or rehabilitation of Manitoba's environment.  Projects must be ecologically sound, promote a sustainable approach, demonstrate clear environmental benefits and take into account the benefits to the community and the economy.  Projects must address one or more of the Fund's priority program areas and should incorporate youth involvement, community partnerships, and information sharing. 

Waste Reduction and Pollution Prevention (WRAPP) Fund

The Waste Reduction and Pollution Prevention (WRAPP) Fund is designed to help organizations, businesses and local governments move toward more sustainable waste management and pollution prevention practices.  Emphasis for funding is on projects focusing on waste reduction, pollution prevention and environmental education.  The intent of the fund is to develop public/private partnerships, build local capacity for sustainable WRAPP activities such as organic waste management and composting, construction and demolition waste management, pollution prevention, and integrated waste management system development and planning

Environmental Youth Corps (EYC)

The EYC offers Manitoba youth an opportunity to voluntarily participate in community-based, innovative projects that will help to improve and protect Manitoba's environment.  Projects must address concerns relating to environmental protection, enhancement, rehabilitation, conservation and/or resource management and must provide hands-on learning experiences.