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Regional Contacts

The following is a complete list of the contact numbers and mailing addresses for Headquarters and the Regional offices throughout the Province:

Headquarters Operations
200 Saulteaux Crescent
Winnipeg MB R3J 3W3
Telephone: (204) 945-6647
Fax: (204) 945-7782

Red River Region
123 Main Street, Suite 160
Winnipeg MB R3C 1A5
Telephone: (204) 945-1200
Fax: (204) 948-2338

Eastern Region
Box 4000, Provincial Highway #502
Lac du Bonnet MB R0E 1A0
Telephone: (204) 345-1435
Fax: (204) 345-1449

Northwest Region
Box 2550, 3rd Street & Ross Avenue
The Pas MB R9A 1M4
Telephone: (204) 627-8362
Fax: (204) 623-1773

Western Region
1129 Queens Avenue
Brandon MB R7A 1L9
Telephone: (204) 726-6299
Fax: (204) 726-6301

Interlake Region
Box 6000, 75 - 7th Avenue
Gimli MB R0C 1B0
Telephone: (204) 642-6096
Fax: (204) 642-6108

Northeast Region
Box 28, 59 Elizabeth Drive
Thompson MB R8N 1X4
Telephone: (204) 677-6628
Fax: (204) 677-6359