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Every year, 12 students pursuing an aviation-related career in the North can each receive a $5,000 scholarship from a fund sponsored by the Department of Transportation, Canadian North, Adlair Aviation and Discovery Air (which owns Air Tindi and Great Slave Helicopters).

The Department of Transportation contributes $30,000 and Canadian North $20,000. Adlair Aviation and Discovery Air provide $5,000 each.

For more information about the ACDP, please
click here. To apply for the scholarship, please fill out the application form.

For a list of possible careers and a link to schools and colleges in Canada offering training for those careers, please visit our Aviation Training page.

Northern Aviation Scholarship Fund

The Yellowknife Community Foundation administers the Northern Aviation Scholarship Fund which provides one aviation student in the Northwest Territories or Nunavut with a $1,000 scholarship to pursue post-secondary education in the aviation industry. Calls for applications, which must be received by May 31, are now open for the 2008 year. Awards are announced in August.

The Scholarship Fund was established in memory of pilots John Bidwell and Jim Smith. John Bidwell was a northern pilot who is remembered as being passionate about aviation and encouraging to aspiring pilots. James Smith was a northern pilot and aviation pioneer who was the first ever to land a DC-4 on wheels in a flight to Antarctica.

For further information, or to apply, please click here.

The Kenn Borek Memorial Scholarship

The late Kenn Borek was a successful businessman and community leader honoured for his significant contribution to his community with the Queen’s Golden Jubilee medal in 2002.

Kenn Borek Air Ltd. Logo In recognition of his achievements, the Borek Group of Companies established an annual scholarship in the amount of $4,000 in his name.

The Kenn Borek Memorial Scholarship is established to assist Western and Northern Canadian students pursuing careers in aviation.

You can find more information here, or download a poster on the program. An application form can be downloaded here.

Careers in Aviation

Interested in aviation but not quite sure what type of jobs are available? Click here to learn more about the jobs available in aviation.
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