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Wildlife and Ecosystem Protection

Wildlife And Ecosystem Protection Branch
Wildlife and Vehicles

Every spring, the Narcisse Snake Dens are alive with tens of thousands of red-sided garter snakes as they slither to the surface from their winter dens. These snakes are ready to begin their annual mating ritual. This spectacular ritual lasts for a one to three week period in late April or early May, depending on weather conditions. More...

Wildlife and Vehicles

Manitoba drivers report approximately 10,000 wildlife-vehicle collisions each year. In the City of Winnipeg alone, over 300 per year are confirmed as deer-vehicle collisions. More...

Orphaned and Injured Wildlife

Every year, particularly during the spring and early summer, wildlife of all shapes and sizes are born. Many of these young wild animals are unnecessarily picked up by people and turned in to Natural Resource Officers or wildlife rehabilitators for treatment and rearing. More...

Black Bears in Manitoba

It is estimated that the polar bear population of the western Hudson Bay area, extending from the Manitoba-Ontario boundary through to Chesterfield Inlet in the Northwest Territories, is approximately 935. More...

Black Bears in Manitoba

Black bears are part of our heritage. Manitoba has a healthy black-bear population, and we need to ensure that it remains that way. More...