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GNWT Department of Transportation
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NWT Drivers Manuals and Operators Guides 

Click the manual cover for full text in PDF format. Once opened, you can navigate each manual by clicking on the blue text in the Table of Contents. Return to page 1 to return to the Table of Contents.

Click here to Access the Basic Licence Drivers Handbook

Click here to Access the Motorcycle Operators Licence Information

Click here to Access the Professional Operators Licence Information

Click here to Access the Air Brake Manual

Basic Licence
Drivers Handbook

Motorcycle Operators
Licence Information

Operators Licence

Air Brake Manual
Training and Reference Guide

- Les versions francaises des guides seront disponibles bientôt -
- French versions of these manuals will soon be available -

The publications on this site have been developed in a Portable Document Format (PDF). They require the Adobe Acrobat Reader® to view and/or print the documents. The reader can be downloaded for free directly from the Adobe site by following this link.  
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