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Manitoba Labour and Immigration

Pension Commission

How to Resolve a Complaint About Pensions

If you have a concern or complaint about your pension which you have been unable to resolve, you should put the complaint or concern in writing and send it to the plan administrator. You should request a response in writing. The administrator should reply within a reasonable period of time, such as 30 days of receiving your request.

If you have been unable to resolve your complaint with your pension plan administrator, you may write to the Pension Commission of Manitoba (PCM) for assistance. We will then review your complaint to see if the matter can be satisfactorily resolved, and if necessary we will contact your pension plan administrator. Our objective in assisting with the resolution of the complaint is to ensure that the plan is being administered in compliance with The Pension Benefits Act and Pension Benefits Regulations (the Act and regulations). Please write to:

The Pension Commission of Manitoba
1004 – 401 York Avenue
Winnipeg MB   R3C 0P8

When writing to us, please set out the nature of the problem and include all relevant facts and documentation including what provisions of the Act and regulations you feel have not been complied with. You should also enclose a copy of any correspondence you have received from your pension plan administrator that explains their position on your complaint. In order for us to move the complaint forward, we must often share this material with the administrator. Before contacting the administrator we must first have your consent. We suggest that your letter provide this consent, noting any limits on the sharing of this material.

When your complaint is received it will be acknowledged and handled as quickly as possible by the PCM. You will be advised of the outcome of the review.

The Act and regulations and other general information for members of pension plans, may be reviewed on our website at:

Please note that the PCM does not deal with issues relating to the pension plans of banks, airlines, railways and other companies regulated by the federal government. These pension plans are regulated by the federal Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions which may be contacted at: or 1-800-385-8647.