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Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Sport

Sport Secretariat
213 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg MB  R3B 1N3
T: 204-945-0216
F: 204-945 -1675

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Manitoba is reaching great heights when it comes to its professional, elite and amateur sports scene. Manitoba is the proud home of many great Olympic athletes who inspire us and give us reasons to wave our flags high. Manitoba’s sport organizations also offer our youth countless positive opportunities which help unite our communities.

Professional Sport

Manitoba’s sports history includes many legendary professional teams and athletes. In 1936, Winnipeg became the home to the Blue Bombers football league. Since then the Winnipeg Blue Bombers have been in twenty three of the Canadian football league’s (CFL) Grey Cup championships. Another outstanding professional sports team is the Manitoba Moose hockey team. In 1996, the team moved from St. Paul, Minnesota to fill the vacated Winnipeg arena and since then attending Moose games has become a popular outing for many Manitobans. Manitoba’s professional sports scene also includes the Winnipeg Goldeyes baseball team. Since CanWest Global Park opened its doors in 1999 it has been a hit, drawing almost 300,000 fans to the park to cheer on the Goldeyes.

Elite Amateur Sport

Manitoba has a wide variety of dedicated elite athletes striving for excellence. Manitoba is the proud home to the Team Canada Volleyball Centre, the only national high performance team located in Manitoba. Team Canada Volleyball’s frequent contests against other countries are an exciting addition to the Winnipeg sports entertainment scene. In addition, Manitoba is the home to many successful university sports programs. The University of Manitoba’s Bison Sports, the University of Winnipeg’s Wesmen and the Brandon University Bobcats continue to put our province on the map with their achievements. Manitoba is also proud of the Western Hockey League’s Brandon Wheat Kings. The Wheat Kings and other Manitoba hockey franchises regularly provide exciting new players to the NHL.

Sport Organizations

There are hundreds of partner organizations involved in the development and promotion of sport in Manitoba. Over 70 provincial sport organizations can be found at Sport Manitoba, the province’s lead agency for the development of amateur sport. One of the key reasons for Manitoba’s success in sport is its many partners that assist in promoting participation and providing direct support to athletes, coaches, officials and organizers at all levels of sport. Such a broad range of support from so many sport organizations ensures that the sports needs of Manitobans are well addressed - from grass roots participation up to the highest levels of sport. The following are links to some of Manitoba’s predominant amateur sport organizations…

Sport  Manitoba
The key leadership and funding body for amateur sport, Sport Manitoba is your gateway to programs and services and over 100 partner organizations involved in the development and promotion of amateur sport in Manitoba.