Government of New Brunswick
Department of Public Safety
Motor Vehicles
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The National Target

The national target calls for a 30% decrease in the average number of road users killed and seriously injured during the 2008-2010 period compared to 1996-2001.


The sub-targets focus on areas where the largest numbers of serious casualties occur and where the greatest potential for reductions exists. They include:

Road Safety Vision 2010 Action Plans
National Occupant Restraint Program
Strategy to Reduce Impaired Driving
High-Risk Driver
Speed & Intersection Safety Management
Motor Carrier Safety
Minimum seat belt wearing rates of 95% and proper use of child restraints by all motor vehicles occupants.
A 40% decrease in the number of unbelted fatally or seriously injured vehicle occupants.
A 40% decrease in the number of road users fatally or seriously injured on rural roadways.
A 40% decrease in the percent of road users fatally or seriously injured in crashes involving a drinking driver.  
A 20% decrease in the number of road users fatally or seriously injured in crashes involving high-risk drivers.    
A 20% decrease in the number of young drivers/riders (those aged 16-19 years) killed or seriously injured in crashes.    
A 20% reduction in the number of road users killed or seriously injured in speed and intersection related crashes.      
A 30% decrease in the number of fatally or seriously injured vulnerable road users (pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists) killed or seriously injured.      
A 20% decrease in the number of road users killed or seriously injured in crashes involving commercial vehicles.        

High Risk Driver

As part of Vision 2001, the CCMTA’s Standing Committee on Road Safety Research and Policies created a task force on high risk drivers (HRD). A key item of the task force mandate was to develop an overall strategy to deal with the high risk driver.

High risk drivers persistently engage in a range of behaviours such as impaired driving, non-use of seat belts, speeding and running red lights that increase their probability of being involved in collisions resulting in fatalities and/or serious injuries.

The proposed objective is to reduce, by 20%, the number of fatalities and serious injuries associated with the high risk drivers by 2010.

The accepted definition of the HRD is:

  • A driver who has been involved in three or more distinct events (a traffic violation, a Criminal Code offence or a collision) within a two-year period.
  • A driver convicted of a first offence with a blood alcohol content (BAC)…16 of refusal to provide a breath sample or of a repeat offence (including driving while prohibited or disqualified.


It is important to pinpoint the three main high risk or target groups:

  • Young Drivers (25 years old)
  • Hard Core drinking drivers (BAC…16 or repeat offenders)
  • Drivers with 3 previous distinct events within a two-year period

By definition, high risk drivers are reluctant to change which prompts the necessity of stringent countermeasures; the potential of promotional/educational measures appears very limited among a group who have a record of persistently disobeying the law and disregarding safety.

Department of Public Safety