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Financial Institutions Regulation Branch

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What we do...

We regulate financial institutions and cooperatives in Manitoba. Financial institutions are credit unions, caisses populaires, insurance companies, and trust and loan companies. We also licence accident and baggage insurance agents, hail insurance agents and hail insurance adjusters. We review and approve the corporate legal documents for credit unions, caisses populaires and cooperatives. We maintain a legal registry for credit unions, caisses populaires, cooperatives and insurance companies. These registries are open to the public. We mediate disputes between consumers, agents, adjusters and insurance companies; as well as member disputes with their credit union, caisse populaire or cooperative. We also authorize trust and loan companies to operate in Manitoba.

How you can reach us...

General Inquiries
Address: 1115-405 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3L6

Phone: (204) 945-2542
Toll-free: 1-800-282-8069 (in Manitoba)
Fax: (204) 948-2268
Email: Insurance
Email: Cooperative and Credit Unions


  • The Cooperatives Act
  • Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation
  • The Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act
  • The Insurance Act
  • The Insurance Corporations Tax Act
  • Insurance Licensing Appeal Board
  • Licence: Fraternal Benefit Society
  • Licence: Accident and Baggage Insurance Agents
  • Licence: Hail Insurance Agents and Adjusters
  • Licence: Insurers
  • Licence: Mutual Benefit Society
  • Licence: Reciprocal Exchange (Insurance)
  • Licence: Special Brokers (Unlicenced Insurance)
  • The Marine Insurance Act
  • Part XXIV of The Corporations Act (Trust and Loan Corporations)