Symbol of the Government of Canada
Federal Cultural Policy from 1800 to 1899 Federal Cultural Policy from 1900 to 1909 Federal Cultural Policy from 1910 to 1919 Federal Cultural Policy from 1920 to 1929 Federal Cultural Policy from 1930 to 1939 Federal Cultural Policy from 1940 to 1949 Federal Cultural Policy from 1950 to 1959 Federal Cultural Policy from 1960 to 1969 Federal Cultural Policy from 1970 to 1979 Federal Cultural Policy from 1980 to 1989 Federal Cultural Policy from 1990 to 1999 Federal Cultural Policy from 2000 to 2005
Politique culturelle fédérale de 1700 à 1799
Federal Cultural Policy from 1970 to 1979
Cultural Policy - Arts - Broadcasting - Copyright - Digital Media Film and Video - Museums and Heritage - Publishing
1970 Secretary of State announces a federal cultural policy with the objectives of democratization, decentralization, pluralism, federal-provincial cooperation and international cooperation
1971 Federal government responds to the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, establishing a federal multiculturalism policy within a bilingual framework
1972 Multiculturalism Directorate established within the Department of the Secretary of State
1973 Culture Statistics Program at Statistics Canada established
1974 Secretary of State establishes a capital grants program for cultural facilities
1976 Canada accedes to the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
1976 First national lottery is held to finance the Montreal Olympic Games
1978 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada established, taking over funding of scholarly research from the Canada Council
1979 Federal government withdraws from the lottery field, ceding control to the provinces
1979 International Cultural Relations Bureau established at the Department of External Affairs
1977 Disney Report on Federal Tax Issues of Concern to the Arts Community in Canada submitted to the Secretary of State
1971 CRTC introduces Canadian content requirements in broadcasting
1976 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Act passes, establishing the CRTC as the regulatory body for both broadcasting and telecommunications
1970 Canada becomes a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
1971 Department of Communications publishes Instant World, predicting that the telecommunications system will some day permit "the transmission of information in any form, making the contents of data banks and the processing power of computers commonly and readily available." (p. 161)
1972 Federal Film Policy announced by Secretary of State, providing additional funding for the Canada Council and for regional production by the National Film Board
1974 Capital Cost Allowance extended to film production, allowing Canadians to deduct 100% of investments in Canadian films
1972 National Museums Policy announced by Secretary of State, including creation of the Museums Assistance Program, the Canadian Conservation Institute and the National Inventory (now the Canadian Heritage Information Network)
1974 Cultural Property Export and Import Control Act passes and the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board and the Movable Cultural Property Program are established
1970 Special Senate Committee on the Mass Media (Davey Committee) recommends an end to tax loophole allowing Canadian advertisers to claim advertising expenses in Time and Reader's Digest (two split-run magazines)
1972 Federal Book Publishing Policy provides funding for the Canada Council to assist in the promotion and production of books
1977 Bill C-58 passes, amending the Income Tax Act to remove the special tax treatment accorded to Time and Reader's Digest
1979 Canadian Book Publishing Industry Development Program established within the Department of the Secretary of State to provide financial assistance to Canadian publishers
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 Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
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