
Hansard is a daily transcript of the proceedings of the House of Assembly. The electronic version, which may be accessed by clicking on an underlined date below, is provided for information only. The printed versions are the official record.

Forty-Sixth General Assembly - First Session - 2008

Forty-Fifth General Assembly - Fourth Session - 2007

Forty-Fifth General Assembly - Third Session - 2006-07

Forty-Fifth General Assembly - Second Session - 2005-06

Forty-Fifth General Assembly - First Session - 2004-2005

Forty-Fifth General Assembly - Swearing-in Ceremony and Election of the Speaker

Forty-Fourth General Assembly - Fifth Session - 2003

Forty-Fourth General Assembly - Fourth Session - 2002-2003

Forty-Fourth General Assembly - Third Session - 2001-2002

Forty-Fourth General Assembly - Second Session - 2000

Forty-Fourth General Assembly - First Session - 1999

Forty-Third General Assembly - Third Session - 1998