Memorial's research strengths are rooted in our maritime location. But our interests and expertise continue to grow and diversify, making us one of the most innovative research facilities in Atlantic Canada.

Welcome to the Calendar section of MUN Today, Memorial University's News and Events service.

To post an item please fill in the fields below. Please note that all fields must be completed before an item can be accepted for posting to the calendar. Once submitted, events are vetted through an editor and can take approximately 24 hours to process. Questions? Please e-mail MUN Today editor, David Sorensen,

Contact Information:

First Name:
Last Name:
E-Mail Address:
Phone Number:

Event Information:

Start:  :  
End: :  
Begin typing and the system will search previous locations for suggestions. If the location you want is not listed, type it in using the following format and it will be added.
(ex. Business, BN-1000)
Begin typing and the system will search previous sponsors for suggestions. If the sponsor you want is not listed, type it in and it will be added.

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