Human Rights Decisions
The following are links to find decisions of boards/tribunals from Newfoundland and Labrador and beyond:

Case summaries from the  Human Rights Commission can be found in the Commission Reports.


Full-text versions of decisions from the Human Rights Commission can be found on QuickLaw, Canada's largest provider of online legal materials. The NFHR database contains Newfoundland decisions dating from 1988 and up. QuickLaw requires that an account be set up and that users be billed according to time spent online. Please consult the QuickLaw homepage for information.

Canadian Human Rights Tribunal decisions are available online for free. This site contains all Tribunal decisions dating from 1990.

The Canadian Human Rights Reporter (C.H.H.R.) homepage provides access to case summaries of important cases dealing with human rights issues.

The Ontario Human Rights Commission provides summaries of key decisions from the Board of Inquiry (Human Rights).  

Other Decisions
The following sites may/may not  contain decisions related to human rights issues:

The Supreme Court of Canada homepage contains full-text copies of decisions from that court. Decisions date back to 1985.

British Columbia Court of Appeal and Superior Court decisions are available online.

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