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Ontario Human Rights Commission Intervenes in Motorcycle Helmet Case Involving Religious Accommodation

Toronto (February 14, 2008) - The Commission will appear as an intervener at the Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton on February 14 and 15, 2008, in the case of R. v. Badesha. read more

Letter to the Mayor and Members of Council, City of Oshawa re: revised residential licensing bylaw

Toronto (February 14, 2008) - We understand that Oshawa City Council is holding a meeting tonight to discuss a proposed bylaw that would limit student housing options in designated neighbourhoods around the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and Durham College. read more

Human Rights Commission Releases Draft Policy on Mental Health Discrimination and Police Record Checks

Toronto (February 11, 2008) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission today released a Draft Policy on Mental Health Discrimination and Police Record Checks for public consultation. read more

Human Rights Settlement Wins Hotel Visual Fire Alarms for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Guests

Toronto (January 30, 2008) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission has reached a settlement between the Days Hotel and Conference Centre, Toronto Airport East and hotel guest Barbara Dodd. read more

Human Rights Policy in Ontario - 2008 Edition

Toronto (December 21, 2007) - The Human Rights Commission, in partnership with Thomson Carswell, has published Human Rights Policy in Ontario - 2008 Edition, a compendium of all the Commission's current human rights policies and guidelines. Thomson Carswell is a respected publisher of employment and human rights related material. All policies included in Human Rights Policy in Ontario - 2008 Edition can also be found on this Web site. read more

Duty to Accommodate Mental Health Disability Upheld by Landmark Ontario Human Rights Decision

Toronto (December 18, 2007) - A recent Ontario Human Rights Tribunal decision in the case of Lane v. ADGA Group Consultants Inc. of Ottawa has upheld the right of persons with a mental health disability to be appropriately accommodated in the workplace under Ontario’s Human Rights Code. read more

Preliminary Findings Released in Inquiry into Assaults Against Asian Canadian Anglers

Toronto (December 14, 2007) - Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall today released the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Preliminary Findings of its Inquiry into Assaults against Asian Canadian Anglers. read more

The Commission celebrates International Human Rights Day

Toronto (December 10, 2007) - This special day is celebrated each year on December 10th, and commemorates the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. read more

Letter to the Editor, Re: Residents angry over housing project

Toronto (November 14, 2007) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission has identified discriminatory NIMBY “Not in My Back Yard” opposition as a human rights concern and a major barrier to the development of much needed affordable and supportive housing. read more

Inquiry Launched into Assaults Against Asian Canadian Anglers

Toronto (November 2, 2007) - Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall today announced the launch of an inquiry into alleged assaults against Asian Canadian anglers. The inquiry is being conducted in partnership with the Metro Toronto Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic and involves other community partners. It arises out of concern following a number of violent incidents involving Asian Canadians who have been either physically or verbally assaulted while fishing in a number of communities around the province. read more

Available in English, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese:


Toronto (October 29, 2007) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) has reached settlements in related complaints against the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) and two of its gaming operations. read more

Opinion Editorial "Class of Rights" by Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall

Toronto (October 26, 2007)

Ontario Transit Services Expected To Announce All Stops

Toronto (October 25, 2007) - Following up on several key developments in the area of accessible transit, Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall has written to transit services across the province asking them to remove barriers faced by riders with disabilities. “Stop announcements are not only necessary for visually impaired riders but can benefit all transit users including visitors and even many of us who can't see the stops due to crowds or weather conditions,” commented Chief Commissioner Hall. read more

Human Rights Commission Launches New Sign Language Video

Toronto (October 18, 2007) - Ontario Human Rights Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall is being joined today by the Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, at an event hosted by the Canadian Hearing Society to launch the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s first ever sign language video. read more

OHRC releases results of its strategic planning community consultation

Toronto (September 25, 2007) - How the community views the future of the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) is the subject of a report released by the Commission today. read more

Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Toronto (September 13, 2007) - I am writing to urge the Government of Canada to reconsider its position opposing the adoption by the United Nation’s General Assembly of the existing draft of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. read more

Proposed Transportation Accessibility Standards a setback for Ontarians with Disabilities

Toronto (August 30, 2007) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission has made a submission to the Transportation Accessibility Standards Development Committee of the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario. The Committee is charged with developing the Initial Proposed Transportation Accessibility Standard under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). read more

Human Rights Commission Settles Claim with Respect to the Exhibition of Closed Captioned Movies

Toronto (July 24, 2007) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission today announced a settlement in the complaints between Nancy Barker, Gary Malkowski and Scott Simser, and movie exhibitors Alliance Atlantis Cinemas partnership, AMC Entertainment International Inc., Cineplex Entertainment LP and Rainbow Centre Cinemas Inc. read more

Commission's Internal Guide for Processing Complaints Now Available Online

The Ontario Human Rights Commission recently updated its internal guide for processing human rights complaints. read more

A Year of Challenges and Opportunities

Toronto (July 5, 2007) - On releasing the Commission’s 2006-2007 Annual Report today at Queen’s Park, Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall commented that, “This has been a year of debate, dialogue and development at the Ontario Human Rights Commission.” read more

ONTARIO HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION to Hold Public Meetings in Ottawa, Kitchener- Waterloo, and Toronto June 25-28th

(June 20, 2007)

Archives of Ontario launch on-line exhibit honouring Dr. Daniel G. Hill, first Director of the Ontario Human Rights Commission

Toronto (June 15, 2007) - This June 15th, marks the 45th anniversary of Ontario’s Human Rights Code, which came into effect in 1962. Equally historic, was the appointment of Dr. Daniel G. Hill, as the first Director of the Human Rights Commission. read more

OHRC to Hold Open Sessions in Sudbury and Kitchener-Waterloo

Toronto (June 7, 2007) - In early May, the OHRC held Open Sessions with community members in Thunder Bay, Ottawa and Toronto. The focus of these sessions was to present the OHRC’s new mandate and ask the community for input on how they see our priorities and objectives going forward. read more

Commission to hold public meetings in Sudbury and Toronto June 12th - 14th

(June 7, 2007)

Tribunal Rules Racial Profiling in Case Against Peel Police

Toronto (May 17, 2007) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission was successful in a significant racial profiling case under Ontario’s Human Rights Code. read more

Commission Launches Consultation on Human Rights in Rental Housing

Toronto (May 9, 2007) - Today the Ontario Human Rights Commission released a background document and consultation paper on human rights in rental housing. read more

Commission Defines Connection Between Human Rights and Family Relationships

Toronto (May 2, 2007) - Today the Ontario Human Rights Commission released the results of its groundbreaking initiative on discrimination based on family status. read more

MEDIA ADVISORY: Ontario Human Rights Commission Releases Consultation Report and Policy on Discrimination on the Basis of Family Status

Toronto (May 1, 2007) - On Wednesday, May 2nd, Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall begins a four-city launch of the Ontario Human Rights Commission's Consultation Report and Policy on Discrimination on the basis of Family Status. read more

OHRC Seeks Input from Community Groups on Setting Priorities

(April 30, 2007) - Community groups are invited to contribute by filling out an on-line survey which will be available until June 15th.

The OHRC will report back to the community on what it heard and feed the survey outcomes into its strategic planning process.
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OHRC Sets New Vision & Mission

(April 25, 2007) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission has established a new Vision & Mission. read more

Launch of Commission's Consultation Report and Policy on Family Status

(April 20, 2007) - I am excited to have the opportunity to share with you the results of the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s (the “Commission”) groundbreaking project on discrimination on family status.
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Safe Schools Settlement Reached with Ministry of Education

Toronto (April 13, 2007) - A landmark settlement reached this week between the Ontario Human Rights Commission and the Ontario Ministry of Education will promote school safety while ensuring that all students, including students with disabilities and racialized students, are given the opportunity to reach their full potential.
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Equal Access to Education for Students with Disabilities During Strikes

(March 20, 2007) - Students with disabilities have a Code-protected right to equal treatment in education. Efforts must be made to ensure the inclusion and full participation of students with disabilities in educational life, even during strikes and other work stoppages. read more

New Anti-racism & Discrimination Agreement to be Approved for Toronto Police Service

Toronto (March 21, 2007) - The Toronto Police Service (TPS), the Toronto Police Services Board (TPSB), and the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) have reached a milestone agreement to bring about institutional change in combating racism and discrimination. read more

Pilot Project aims to Resolve Complaints Early

Toronto (March 15, 2007) - A pilot project, aimed at speeding up the way complaints are processed, is underway at the Ontario Human Rights Commission. read more

Message from the Ontario Human Rights Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall marking Black History Month

Toronto (February 9, 2007) This year’s celebration of Black History Month is particularly significant as it marks the 200th anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act. Despite many positive developments in human rights protections since then, racism and racial discrimination continue to exist. read more