Spread the Word

Help us recruit new faces to the Liberal team. Reach out to your family, friends and neighbours and tell them about our progressive vision for Canada.

Use the form below to invite your friends and family to join you in our effort to build a better Canada.
Your Information
Your Friends' Information
Your friend(s) will receive the following message:
Dear [ Friend's Name ],

I want to tell you about Stéphane Dion and the Liberal team’s generous vision for the future of our country.

The Liberal Party has a plan to move Canada forward in the 21st century, a plan where economic prosperity goes hand in hand with social development and where a healthy sustainable environment is driven by leading edge research and innovation.

These are exciting times for the Liberal Party of Canada. Please take a moment to check out their website.

If you’re ready to make a positive change in your community, join the Liberal family.

We are stronger together.


[ Your Name ]