The Liberal green shift plan: A bold response to the climate change crisis

The climate change crisis is the most serious environmental challenge in recorded human history. Scientists around the world agree that climate change is caused by human activity and we must act now.

Ignoring the problem will only cost us more down the road as we deal with extreme weather, droughts, floods, melting ice caps and rising sea levels. How do we measure the costs of millions of displaced people, or animal species driven to extinction?

Today we must show leadership if we are to leave the planet a better place for our children and grandchildren. We need an honest and intelligent debate.

The Liberal green shift is a bold plan to shift our economy away from fuels that pollute and contribute to the climate change crisis, and toward more efficient and cleaner energy.

When pollution is free, it distorts costs in favour of dirty energy. By putting a price on carbon emissions, we help to level the playing field, and encourage the development of new, greener technologies.

Every penny collected through the price on carbon will be given back to Canadians through personal income and business tax cuts, as well as tax credits. This revenue neutrality will be written into law, and verified by the Auditor General.

Environmentalists and economists alike support the principles of the Liberal green shift plan because it is the most efficient way to achieve real emissions reductions – and the Liberal plan is the only one that gives money back to Canadians.

The Liberal green shift plan will help make Canada a leader, and help us to innovate and profit from a new green economy in the 21st century.

For more information on the Liberal green shift plan, please visit: