Media Releases

September 10, 2008

MP Cheryl Gallant ludicrously claims Dion will "tax or ban firewood"

OTTAWA—The Liberal campaign today revealed that controversial Conservative MP Cheryl Gallant has outrageously added to the growing litany of fabrications about the Liberal Green Shift plan, baselessly claiming it will “destroy the lives” of many Canadians by “taxing or banning the use of firewood.”

These claims are contained in Ms. Gallant’s taxpayer-funded householder that is arriving on constituents’ doorsteps this week in her Eastern Ontario riding of Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke.

Ms. Gallant’s mail-out contains other fabrications including an absurd claim that the plan will result in “increasing gas pump prices by 60 per cent which would equate to $1.70-$2.00 a litre at the pump” and would lead to “spiking electricity bills up to 50 per cent more each month.”

These statements are all outrageous fabrications. The Liberal Green Shift plan does not impose a tax or a ban on firewood. Period. It also does not impose a tax on gasoline at the pumps meaning that Ms. Gallant’s claim of a massive hike in gasoline prices is pure fiction.

Ms. Gallant’s claim of monthly skyrocketing electricity bills is also a complete fabrication. According to statistics from Natural Resources Canada, Ontario residents would see their energy bills rise just 2.7 per cent in the first year as a result of the Green Shift plan, with costs rising to approximately 10 per cent annually by year four.

Not surprisingly, Ms. Gallant appears to be deliberately misleading her constituents by failing to mention the “shift” aspect of the Green Shift and the significant tax cuts that will more than offset any increases in energy costs. For example, a family of four, making $60,000 per year will receive approximately $1,300 in additional tax benefits. A single mother with two children making $35,000 per year will get more than $1,600 back in her pocket.

The Liberal campaign noted that Ms. Gallant can normally be relied upon to come out with an outrageous statement every election, recalling that in 2004 she said an Ottawa abortion clinic was exactly the same as terrorists beheading hostages in Iraq (CBC News, May 13, 2004) and in 2000 said firearms owners must resist the firearms registry or “go like lambs to the gas chamber as the Chrétien Liberals strip away our rights.” (National Post, November 21, 2000)

A copy of Ms. Gallant’s householder is available here:

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four