
August 12, 2008

The Liberal Green Shift will benefit Canadian businesses

During his travels across Canada this summer, Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion has been inspired by the many people he has met who have turned their passion for the environment into concrete solutions for the challenges we are facing as a country.

In Brockville, Mr. Dion toured the Upper Canada Solar Generation Limited, a green company which researches different kinds of alternative energy. As its name suggests, the company focuses primarily on solar energy, looking for ways to help individuals and businesses find the technology that will allow them to reduce their carbon footprint.

Liberals believe small businesses are the foundation of the Canadian economy and it is Canada’s entrepreneurs who will lead the way in the development of new technologies and products for the green economy.

Businesses can expect many benefits from the Green Shift, including measures to cut taxes on business and reward businesses that invest in green technologies. As Canadian businesses become leaders in green technology, they will gain markets at home and overseas.