
Most political parties base their plans on one looming event — the next election, and one aim — staying in power.

The Green Party is different. We look much further forward, and we plan for a far greater goal: a livable world, with enough for everyone, with healthy communities based on healthy economies, secure for future generations.

The Green Party faces the major threats of our time — the climate crisis, economic instability, increasing militarism and a growing gap between rich and poor — with clear-eyed realism. It offers practical solutions and down-to-earth policies. We want to engage Canadians in the positive changes essential to bequeath a livable world to our children.

Vision Green – Our detailed policy document

Vision Green This 160-page document lays out a comprehensive blueprint for the kind of Canada we want in 2020 and how we get there from here. Developed by the Green Party's 31-member Shadow Cabinet with input from experts, activists and citizens who participated in cross-Canada policy workshops, it presents leading-edge thinking and realistic solutions for all the issues facing Canadians – from foreign policy to forestry, from taxation to toxic chemicals.

Green Tax Shift

Green Tax Shift The Green Party’s vision for Canada includes a variety of measures designed to make taxation greener while at the same time help seniors, low-income Canadians and stay-at-home parents. The most significant policy innovation in the Green Party’s platform is to transform how taxes are collected in Canada through what is called a “Carbon Tax Shifting.”

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