15 Reasons why Elizabeth must be in TV debates. Mad as hell? Donate $10 for democracy

84% of Canadians want to hear what Elizabeth May has to say(a)

17.8 million Canadians believe Elizabeth May should be included in the TV leaders debates, including most supporters of every other party.(b)

1.9 million Canadian voters have already decided to vote Green, according to the most recent Harris/Decima poll.(c)

For the last year more than 6 million voting electors have been considering voting Green, according to Nanos research.(d)

The environment has been #1 issue over the last 2 years(e) and Canadians trust the Green Party more than any other party to deal with this critical issue.(e) Censoring Elizabeth’s voice would violate our fundamental rights and freedoms in our democracy.

Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe will be included in the debates, but national support for the Bloc is less than half that of the Green Party [according to the most recent Harris/Decima poll (c)] and the Bloc is only running 75 candidates while the Green Party is running in four times more seats.

The Greens have tied the NDP in support in numerous polls released by many different pollsters since November 2007. (f)

The Green Party now has an MP in Parliament, Blair Wilson, MP for West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country.

62% of Canadians believe Harper & Layton are afraid of debating Elizabeth May!!(g) See Core Strategies research, page 8 at http://www.corestrategies.ca/Power%20Point/07-01-22%20-%20Leaders'%20Debate%20Release%20Backgrounder%20(2).pdf Journalists are picking up on this: Chantal Hébert's column in today's Toronto Star asks the provocative question, Do the Conservatives fear Elizabeth May?

The Green Party's inclusion will change the very nature of the debates: In the 2006 TV leaders debates climate change and the war in Afghanistan were not debated once -- not once in six hours of gabfest! Some of the old-line parties will now say those issues are important to them! If so why weren't they debated in '06? Including the Green Party guarantees important issues will be discussed.

The CBC receives more than $1 billion a year as Canada’s public broadcaster. Do you feel the CBC can continue to take taxpayers money and ignore the concernns millions of Canadians?

Mr Harper says that because the Liberals are not running a candidate against Elizabeth May she can't be included in the televised leaders debate. Interesting arguement. When Stephen Harper ran to win his seat the first time, as a courtesy to him as a new leader, the Liberal Party didn't run a candidate against him. So by his own logic, Harper is arguing that he should not be included in the televised leaders debate either. (As an aside, don't the Conservative spin doctors follow the logical extentions of their arguements???!!)

Do you feel that five men meeting in secret, as the broadcast consortium's announcement on Sept 8 that they are going to exclude the only national female leader?

The Green Party receives more than $1 million a year of taxpayers’ money. Canadians deserve the right to hear from the Green Party.

If you are outraged like me at the broadcaster consortium's announced Sept 8 it will exclude the Green Party -- if you're "mad as hell" -- then donate just $10 TONIGHT to the Green Party -- just on the principle of fairness. Just $10 for democracy. Just $10 to make the point we are not going to take this any more. Help pay the legal fees to fight this injustice!

Go to https://greenparty.ca/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=1&source=Ma...

The Broadcast Consortium of five executives met in secret yesterday (September 2) and has not told the Green Party that leader Elizabeth May will be included in the televised leaders debates yet. If you're outraged by this travesty of democracy, sign the petition at http://www.demanddemocraticdebates.ca/ and copy this blog and email to all your friends in your contact manager to do the same -- (big hint: send the email to yourself and put all your friends addresses in the bcc field) More than 80,000 Canadians have already signed the petition!

This is URGENT. We need your help protecting our Democracy

The Green Party held a media conference this morning (Sept 3) at 11 am in front of Osgoode Hall in Toronto -- every network was present -- there were 7 TV cameras and print and radio journalsits.

The Green Party put forward the case as to the broadcast consortium as to why Elizabeth must be included in the TV leaders debates. If the consortium fails to do so, the party will pursue legal proceedings. We have hired Peter Rosenthal. Rosenthal won the Figueroa case at the Supreme Court of Canada -- having a number of provisions of the Canada Elections Act struck down as unconstitutional. So the Green Party has retained the best lawyer in Canada in this field to represent the party in court should that be necessary.

This will be the topic of discussion on call-in shows, on blogs and in letters to the editor over the next few days. You can download the word document Debate backgrounder v 2.doc below or simply copy any of the following points to make:

Sources & Notes
(a) Poll conducted by Core Strategies in January 2007 showed 84% of Canadians over the age of 18 want to hear what Elizabeth May has to say see http://www.corestrategies.ca/Power%20Point/07-01-22%20-%20Leaders'%20Debate%20Release%20Backgrounder%20(2).pdf and for the Green Party news release see http://www.greenparty.ca/en/releases/22.01.2007

(b) 77.2% of Canadians of voting age believe that Elizabeth May should be included in the televised leaders debates. See page 11 of report for detailed results at http://www.corestrategies.ca/Power%20Point/07-01-22%20-%20Leaders'%20Debate%20Release%20Backgrounder%20(2).pdf. Canada’s population at the time of the 2006 federal election was 30,007,094 and there were 23,054,615 electors see http://www.elections.ca/scripts/OVR2006/default.html Note -- when I do the math 77.2% x 23,054,615 = 17.8 million.

(c) The most recent Harris/Decima poll (August 13) puts the Green Party at 13% across Canada (the NDP at 15% and the Bloc at 6%). The actual voter turn out in the 2006 federal election was 14,817,159 – or 64.7% – 13% of the actual 2006 electors =1.9 million. For the Harris/Decima study see http://www.decima.com/en/pdf/news_releases/080814E.pdf and for analysis see http://www.greenparty.ca/en/node/3149#comment-7360

(d) Nanos Research (formerly SES Research) tracks the second choice of voters and those considering voting Green. Over the last year (since Q2 2007), their tracking has showed that up to 40.2% all Canadians have either decided to or are considering voting Green. Based on 14,817,159 actual voters in the 2006 election this means that 5,956,497 – or six million voters have been considering voting Green!

(e) Over the last two years, the environment has had more #1 rankings as the most important issue than any other. And Canadians trust the Green Party two to one over all the old-line, traditional parties see Globe and Mail CTV poll by Strategic Council – see full study at http://www.thestrategiccounsel.com/our_news/polls/2007-01-17%20GMCTV%20J...

(f) Strategic Counsel poll showing the Green Party in statistical tie with NDP at 12% February 2008 http://www.thestrategiccounsel.com/our_news/polls/2008-02-19%20GMCTV%20F... page 12.
Harris/Decima poll in April 2008 shows the Green Party at 12% and the NDP at 13% in a statistical tie. In Ontario the Greens were at 15% and the NDP at 10%. http://www.decima.com/en/pdf/news_releases/080403E.pdf

(g) 62% of Canadians believe Stephen Harper and Jack Layton are afraid to face Elizabeth May. Core Strategies research, page 8 http://www.corestrategies.ca/Power%20Point/07-01-22%20-%20Leaders'%20Debate%20Release%20Backgrounder%20(2).pdf

There's been a lot of coverage this morning and late yesterday

Greens hire lawyer to fight for debate spot http://www.thestar.com/article/489126

Of course it's all in reaction to the Green Party claiming our seat in the TV leaders debates http://www.thestar.com/article/488320

for Chantal Hébert's column see http://www.thestar.com/article/489482

Debate backgrounder v 2.doc353.5 KB

Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Expression

All these freedoms seem to be lost on the very organizations that thrive because these freedoms exist, the press.

Brian Timlick, nominated candidate, Charleswood-St.James-Assiniboia

Today's news coverage puts forward Greens hard hitting case

Greens 'will not hesitiate' to use courts to get into leaders' debate http://www.canada.com/topics/news/story.html?id=b97901de-4bbe-4836-adca-...

Canada's Green Party Demands Inclusion in Televised Debates

Greens threaten to go to court if excluded from TV debates http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/09/03/greens-legal.html

Greens threaten legal action to get place in leaders' debates on TV

There were 7 TV cameras -- so every network was represented along with print, photo and radio journalists.

The Star editorial also endorses Elizabeth's inclusion

Largest circulation newspaper: Let the Greens into the debate

"Let the Greens into the debate," the lead editorial in the Toronto Star exclaimed Thursday September 4.

The largest circulation newspaper in Canada strongly made the case: With support rivalling the NDP and [ahead of] the Bloc, the party must be in the debates.

"More to the point, the party's environmental planks are an integral part of the public debate in Canada, as in much of Europe."

This alludes to the fact that the Greens have elected members of most European Parliaments and have formed government in many European nations.

The editorial concludes: "Let May in."

For the full editorial see http://www.thestar.com/article/490237

Conservaties to skip debates?

Interesting in that CTV article that the CPC is not saying if Harper would boycott the debates if the Green Party is there. Scary, that the sitting prime minister could decide to skip the debates thus leaving all information to just ads and the media for the vast majority of the population.

I wonder what would happen if the debates did not have Harper? Would the networks bother doing them? Would Harper pay a price at the polls or would it help him? Scary to think many Canadians would not even care about it.

Me thinks this would be a

Me thinks this would be a catastrophic conservative move like when Kim Campbell and her campaign team bet that commercials making fun of Jean Cretien's speech impediment would sway people away from voting for the man. Ha. We know how that one ended.

Chronicle Herald editorial cartoon

DemocraticSpace weighs in - Greens should be in the debate

Greg Morrow at DemocraticSpace.com has posted a concise statement about why the Greens should be included in the debate .. the public deserves to know what they are about.


Jim Johnston,

Opinions expressed are my own.

Time to let democracy take its course

Okay well we have a Green MP in name. We still need to know if the Speaker will accept Mr. Wilson as an official Green MP. Crossing over to a party already sitting in parliament may not be recognised as a precedent for crossing over to an unelected, unrepresented party. Deborah Grey was elected as the sole member of the Reform Party, no one crossed the floor to become the Reform Party. Mr. Wilson needs to address the constituents of his riding to promote the Green policies he has embraced which I'm sure he will do if not already. The EDA there has to have time to adjust and get to know Mr. Wilson which may be happening already. It takes more than a cup of coffee and a handshake. Has he actually been nominated? Does he have the backing of the EDA? I've looked into his voting record as I said in another post and there is a good string of Green friendly votes already. There technically isn't an election yet and so there isn't technically any national leader's debate. Now is the time to dial back so to speak and be very careful about yelling foul before we even know what's what. Now is the time to show the type of decorum we can bring to the House of Commons. Let the debate begin to spill over and continue on democratic space, news media etc. Remember that people will be on our side but will get tired and annoyed if this is the only thing they hear from Greens. It also may begin to look like this was a back room plot to manipulate ourselves into the House and anyone who thinks that's not an accusation or thought out there then we are being very naive.

We have a strong policy direction. Stay on message. We want good independent Green voices that can navigate the toxic environment of the politics that all parties have descended to. We still have conflicting information as to whether the election will be now or later in the fall. There is a campaign on to have the Governor General refuse to allow Harper to have his way. The GG has the right to approach the liberals to see if they can form a government and attempt the cooperation of the New Democrats and Bloc. There are still a lot of scenarios to be played out and if we become a one tune campaign over the debates then our message is actually lost, especially in the by-elections which will happen if parliament isn't dissolved.

It is important that Elizabeth be allowed into the debates. But let's not kid ourselves that we can slide into government on the debates alone. Voters need to know who the candidates are as individuals. They need to know what our policies are aside from the environment. In the Toronto Star I notice a headline that says Dion is already looking at adjusting the carbon tax which of course was the plan all along and definately once he formed a government without anyone there to push him back on track.

We need to keep perspective otherwise we risk replacing the myth of the one issue environment party with the one issue 'poor us we're not in the debates' party. Time to let democracy take its course not appear to be running roughshod over it.

This blog reflects my personal opinion.
It is not official Green Party Policy.

Nominated Candidate/Trinity-Spadina, Toronto

But it worked for the Bloc, Stephen

Addressing only this point:

"Crossing over to a party already sitting in parliament may not be recognised as a precedent for crossing over to an unelected, unrepresented party. Deborah Grey was elected as the sole member of the Reform Party, no one crossed the floor to become the Reform Party."

The Bloc was formed in 1990 from PC and Liberal MPs who "crossed over" to form a party that was "unelected, unrepresented" - it had never even run in an election. Their first "elected" MP (and the only one elected between the crossover and the next general election in 1993) was Gilles Duceppe - who was elected as an Independent in 1990 because the Bloc was not yet a registered party. With floor-crossing MPs only, the Bloc were invited to the 1993 leaders debates.

The Greens are a registered party and have run in federal elections for 25 years, including 2 (soon 3) full slates. Therefore, if anything, we are a more established organization for Blair to join than the Bloc were when they formed. The only advantage the 1993 Bloc have over us is that they started with a larger caucus in the House. But the pretext from the consortium has never been that we must have X number of MPs, or have enough to be a party recognized by the House (which was 15, until the NDP only had 12, until the PCs only had 2...). Instead, it has been "no MP, no debate". Well, the first part of that equation is no longer true.

(And of course the "not party status in the House" objection doesn't hold weight, since Reform didn't have that, either, in 1993).

In 1993, invited leaders included one whose party had only a single MP (and it wasn't the leader) and one of which none of the MPs had run officially as candidates of that party. And it was a great 5-person debate, as I recall.

Erich Jacoby-Hawkins
Barrie, ON

The views I express on this blog are purely my own and should not be construed to represent the official position of the Green Party of Canada - the same goes for all other people's posts & comments.

Small addition

"(And of course the "not party status in the House" objection doesn't hold weight, since Reform didn't have that, either, in 1993)."

Nor the Progressive Conservatives in 1997, as they only won 2 seats in the previous election. PC leader Jean Charest was still invited to the leaders' debates.

Those 5-person debates were much better than the boring 4-person ones we've had since 2004!

Debates:Canwest violated it's own conflct of interest rules

Here is a copy of a post I sent Canwest (Global TV) regarding Elizabeth's debate inclusion:

What is your corporations position on this subject and rational for either possible answer?

I note that Global’s Peter Kent, who was part of the team that decided against Green Party debate participation in a previous election, became a two time Conservative candidate. Of course the Conservatives make no secret these day’s there are vehemently opposed to Green debate participation.

Having Peter Kent in such decision making capacity effecting national elections was contrary to Canwests’s conflict of interest rules at the following link.


This will be clear to any neutral body. Can you assure this will not happen again? I am forwarding c copy of this to other news outlet’s so that a non response to this post will be noted.

Constantine Kritsonis

Constantine Kritsonis

Let Elizabeth Speak!

Does Stephen Harper's tentacles reach into the boardrooms of the national broadcasters? Let's hope not. I'm hoping that for once, a just decision will be made in the Green Party's favour!

Let Elizabeth May in the Debates

At this point, with the obvious growth of public support and interest in the Green Party in regions all across Canada, it is vital that Canadians hear what Elizabeth May has to say within the forum of a Leadership Debate.

With so many Canadians recognizing the wisdom of her inclusion irregardless of how or where they cast their votes on election day, it is ludicrous it is still an issue at all. If Elizabeth May is excluded from the debates, it is all the more evidence that things REALLY need to change in terms of both politics in general here in Canada, as well as how media coverage is handled.

Let's do what is not only right in principle, but makes perfect sense from a political and democratic standpoint. Canadian citizens have a time limited opportunity to be heard on this important issue by expressing their support in terms of a petition. But don't stop there, write letters to the editor, contact your various governmental representatives and broadcasters, and utilize any other avenues at your disposal.

Elizabeth May has proven herself to be a leader, and the Green Party has proven its worth through the strength of its platform and policies. Should she not be seated in the Leadership debates, I will be sorely disappointed and appalled. Let's turn this country back into a democracy.

Democratic Debates

Many Canadians have a literacy level that makes the TV the best or only source of information for them. Many seniors have vision problems so they rely on radio and TV for their news. Parties with large budgets will influence them with ads. These citizens and voters need access to public debates that include all their voting choices.

Valerie Powell
Simcoe North
Shadow Cabinet Seniors Critic

All major parties recognize our status

By their own actions, the other national parties have ALL shown that the Greens deserve to be in the debates.

The Liberals have come right out and said it of course, and xtended "leader's courtesy" to Elizabeth May by not running a candidate against her. (Just like they did when Stockwell Day, Stephen Harper, and Joe Clark sought seats after being elected leader of their parties. Yet no-one accused them of being the same as the Liberals, did they?)

The Conservatives have been sending out a shower of "ten-percenters" to households in Ontario (and elsewhere?) all summer that include a ballot with 4 choices: Harper/Conservative, Dion/Liberal, Layton/NDP, and ... no, not Duceppe/Bloc, but May/Green! Their own literature shows that they believe
her to be a choice, an equal, and not a surrogate Liberal. (I received yet another from my Conservative MP Friday, a day after getting his first official election flier. Same ballot - Elizabeth's still there!)

NDP candidate Tom King's Guelph by-election flier leads with an endorsement from former BC Green leader Stuart Parker - listing no other qualification than his GPBC leadership. Apparently being a former GPBC leader renders you an authority on who should represent Guelph. Clearly the NDP believes Green Party leaders have enough credibility to be eminently quotable at their own expense.

So by their actions, if not their recent words, each of the parties have shown that the Greens have full status as electoral competitors. Who are the networks to gainsay that?

Erich Jacoby-Hawkins
Barrie, ON

The views I express on this blog are purely my own and should not be construed to represent the official position of the Green Party of Canada - the same goes for all other people's posts & comments.

Update - Harper recognizes us again!

From Harper's remarks announcing dissolution today, as reported by CTV.ca:

"Harper noted that there are four parties on the left looking for support, and said his party was the choice of centre and right voters."

This, of course, flies in the face of his earlier stance that the Greens & Liberals are really one party. Clearly he is admitting that we are separate, distinct parties - cancelling the logic of his opposition to our place in the debates.

Of course, he also mis-casts us as a "party on the left" (the NDP will certainly argue against that!) which is a myth that we must continue to debunk. And calling him a "choice of centre voters" also miscasts his party's ultra-right aims, held back only by minority status and the wish to deceive centre voters. If you want to know what a Harper majority would be like, just look at what ministers Baird, Flahery, and Clement did in the Harris majority in Ontario. Walkerton ring a bell? Hello, Listeriosis!

Erich Jacoby-Hawkins
Barrie, ON

The views I express on this blog are purely my own and should not be construed to represent the official position of the Green Party of Canada - the same goes for all other people's posts & comments.

Even the cartoonists get it

Have a look at this cartoon:


or full size

http://www.cagle.com/politicalcartoons/pccartoons/archives/nease.asp?Act... (choose 09/02/08)

(I'd just paste it in, but that might violate copyright)

You'll see that even the cartoonists get it - Elizabeth is one of the main party leaders. (And apparently Duceppe is not).

Erich Jacoby-Hawkins
Barrie, ON

The views I express on this blog are purely my own and should not be construed to represent the official position of the Green Party of Canada - the same goes for all other people's posts & comments.

Are you "Mad as hell and not going to take it any more?" Act!!

The Broadcast Consortium News release below is absolutely incredible. Basically it admits that three parties said that they would not participate in the televised leaders debates if the Green Party was included. Guess which ones?

I am staggered that the NDP -- the New Democratic Party -- has taken this position!! The NDP says it wants electoral reform and fairness in elections. The NDP says to care about the environment but wants to keep out the party with the best policy on environmental issues.

I am staggered that five unaccountable, unelected, network executives meeting in secret think that they can dictate to all Canadian electors what our democracy will look like and sound like.

Like Howard Beale in the movie Network, "I am mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!!"

If you are outraged like me -- if you're "mad as hell" -- then donate just $10 TONIGHT to the Green Party -- just on the principle of fairness. Just $10 for democracy. Just $10 to make the point we are not going to take this any more.

Go to https://greenparty.ca/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=1&source=Ma...

We'll spend the money on the legal challenge we are launching and with any money left over we'll spend it on ads -- alerting Canadians to the dangerous demise of democracy in Canada -- when 5 unelected, unaccountable executives meeting in secret get to dictate to all Canadians what our democracy looks like and sounds like. When behind doors deals dictat which ideas will be heard and which ones won't.

When broadcasters collude with partisan interests to short circuit our democracy.

Email all your friends on Facebook, in Outlook.

Download the attached backgrounder below in a Word document outlining all the reasons that this is outrageous -- and urge everyone to donate JUST $10 -- a small amount -- but if a 100,000 Canadians donate well have the money to run the legally challenge this gross travesty of democracy.

Here's the actual release from the consortium:
Attention News Editors:

News Release - 2008 Leaders' Debates
OTTAWA, Sept. 8 /CNW/ - Canada's leading broadcasting networks today
announced plans for the Leaders' Debates during the general election campaign.

The French language debate will be held at the National Arts Centre in
Ottawa on Wednesday October 1st from 8 to 10 pm EDT. The moderator will be
Stephan Bureau, a journalist and host.

The English language debate will follow the next evening at the National
Arts Centre in Ottawa on Thursday October 2nd from 9 to 11 pm EDT. The
moderator will be Steve Paikin of TVO.

The following Party Leaders will appear in the debates: Prime Minister
Stephen Harper of the Conservative Party of Canada, Leader of the Opposition
Stephane Dion of the Liberal Party, Jack Layton of the New Democratic Party
and Gilles Duceppe of the Bloc Quebecois.

The Green Party:

The Consortium approached the parties to explore the possibility of
including the Green Party in all or part of the Leaders' Debates. However,
three parties opposed its inclusion and it became clear that if the Green
Party were included, there would be no Leaders' Debates. In the interest of
Canadians, the Consortium has determined that it is better to broadcast the
debates with the four major party leaders, rather than not at all.

For further information: Jason MacDonald, Spokesperson for the Network
Consortium, T (416) 482-1357, C (647) 205-4744, macdonald@veritascanada.com
The Broadcast Consortium News release below is absolutely incredible. Basically it admits that three parties said that they would not participate in the televised leaders debates if the Green Party was included. Guess which ones?

I am staggered that the NDP -- the New Democratic Party -- has taken this position!! The NDP says it wants electoral reform and fairness in elections. The NDP says to care about the environment but wants to keep out the party with the best policy on environmental issues.

I am staggered that five unaccountable, unelected, network executives meeting in secret think that they can dictate to all Canadian electors what our democracy will look like and sound like.

Like Howard Beale in the movie Network, "I am mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!!"

If you are outraged like me -- if you're "mad as hell" -- then donate just $10 TONIGHT to the Green Party -- just on the principle of fairness. Just $10 for democracy. Just $10 to make the point we are not going to take this any more.

Go to https://greenparty.ca/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=1&source=Ma...

We'll spend the money on the legal challenge we are launching and with any money left over we'll spend it on ads -- alerting Canadians to the dangerous demise of democracy in Canada -- when 5 unelected, unaccountable executives meeting in secret get to dictate to all Canadians what our democracy looks like and sounds like. When behind doors deals dictat which ideas will be heard and which ones won't.

When broadcasters collude with partisan interests to short circuit our democracy.

Email all your friends on Facebook, in Outlook.

Download the attached backgrounder below in a Word document outlining all the reasons that this is outrageous -- and urge everyone to donate JUST $10 -- a small amount -- but if a 100,000 Canadians donate well have the money to run the legally challenge this gross travesty of democracy.

Here's the actual release from the consortium:
Attention News Editors:

News Release - 2008 Leaders' Debates
OTTAWA, Sept. 8 /CNW/ - Canada's leading broadcasting networks today
announced plans for the Leaders' Debates during the general election campaign.

The French language debate will be held at the National Arts Centre in
Ottawa on Wednesday October 1st from 8 to 10 pm EDT. The moderator will be
Stephan Bureau, a journalist and host.

The English language debate will follow the next evening at the National
Arts Centre in Ottawa on Thursday October 2nd from 9 to 11 pm EDT. The
moderator will be Steve Paikin of TVO.

The following Party Leaders will appear in the debates: Prime Minister
Stephen Harper of the Conservative Party of Canada, Leader of the Opposition
Stephane Dion of the Liberal Party, Jack Layton of the New Democratic Party
and Gilles Duceppe of the Bloc Quebecois.

The Green Party:

The Consortium approached the parties to explore the possibility of
including the Green Party in all or part of the Leaders' Debates. However,
three parties opposed its inclusion and it became clear that if the Green
Party were included, there would be no Leaders' Debates. In the interest of
Canadians, the Consortium has determined that it is better to broadcast the
debates with the four major party leaders, rather than not at all.

For further information: Jason MacDonald, Spokesperson for the Network
Consortium, T (416) 482-1357, C (647) 205-4744, macdonald@veritascanada.com

© 2008 Green Party of Canada | Important information and privacy policy