Hydrant permits

Procedures for acquiring a hydrant permit

There are two types of hydrant use permits. Type A, the most commonly used, allows the customer to use up to four hydrants in a two month period, one at a time. The City must be made aware of the hydrants to be used before they are used. Type B is used in special cases whereby the customer requires use of hydrants on a continuous basis; however, does not know beforehand which hydrants are required. Type B users are required to fax a copy of the hydrants used monthly.

Type A

  1. Fill out a permit form (in person) in the Client Service Centre located in the main building of City Hall on the first floor.
  2. Look up the hydrant's location on Vanmap by selecting the 'Water' layer in the legend.
    1. Click on 'Options' in the Address Search (in the top toobar area), under 'Street Name', select the hundred blocks option and enter the block and street. Click on search.
    2. When the map comes up, click on the arrow in the toolbox. Use the arrow to activate the "Water" layer box, which you will find on the left hand side of your viewing screen. Overall, you will find a number of boxes which can be activated by clicking on them. By doing so, you will bring up different mapping layers and information.
    3. With the "Water" layer box activated, you will see a number of blue lines and dots signifying watermains, valves and hydrants. Fire hydrants are displayed as blue dots and will typically be found near street intersections. You will also notice a six figure hydrant identifyer beginning with a letter followed by five numbers, for example; L20-003. There will also be a locational distance offset after the six figure identifyer. In the case for hydrant L20-003, which is located on the northeast corner of West 47th and East Boulevard, the locational distance offset is 2.2 - meaning the hydrant is located at 2.2 metres east of the east property-line of West 47th and East Boulevard.
  3. Backflow prevention and hydrant key:
    1. The backflow prevention assembly serial number for the hydrant must be provided to the City by the permitee.
    2. A copy of the backflow prevention assembly test report (no older than one year) for the backflow device that will be used.
    3. Exact location of the hydrant(s) must be provided.
    4. Permitees must have a hydrant key. The key and the backflow prevention assembly can be rented from rental companies
  4. Purpose of Use:
    Purpose of use must be provided by the permitee and be specific to the intended application. Hydrant permits are NOT issued for use as potable drinking supply, filling swimming pools or construction site water services.

Type B

Procedures are the same as Type A with the additional requirement of a hydrant log to be faxed by permitee, monthly, to the fax number on the form. Permit applications are subject to review by Engineering Services.

Permit Fees:

Fee for a hydrant permit: $159 (includes all applicable taxes), plus a $500 refundable deposit. This permit can be applied to up to three hydrants and is valid for two months. When use of the hydrant is no longer required, return the permit, and an inspector will examine the hydrant. The deposit will be returned to the permitee if there is no damage to the hydrant. For more information, call 604-873-7357.
