Industry Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Webcasts and Multimedia

This section identifies various Webcasts, videos and multimedia tools available from Industry Canada and the Industry Portfolio. These are used to highlight products and services, feature success stories, provide information, present speeches, and take you on virtual tours.

Industry Canada

Consumer Information

Canadian Consumer Information Gateway — Guided Tour
First time visitors to the website may wish to take this multimedia tour to find out more about the information and services available.

Regional and Rural Development

Community Access Program (CAP) — Download Centre
The CAP Download Centre provides images for use on websites, or for the development of promotional materials, signs, posters, and screen savers. A five-minute CAP video is also available in RealPlayer and text formats.

Science and Technology

Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC) — CRC Multimedia Video
Find out about the work of the CRC with this introductory video outlining its mission and services.


Spectrum Management and Telecommunications — Cutting Through … Radio Interference
This video provides examples of picture and sound interference problems that can occur and may enable you to identify sources of interference and correct the problems yourself.

Spectrum Management and Telecommunications — Let's Talk Towers
This video and accompanying pamphlet were developed to address concerns relating to the construction of radiocommunication antenna towers and associated facilities.

Youth Initiatives

Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC) — VirtualClassroom Creations
With projects ranging from multimedia animation to software development, VirtualClassroom Creations showcases exciting products developed by students in the VirtualClassroom Community.

Industry Portfolio