About Us

The Office has three main components:

Office Francophonie, Justice in official languages and legal dualism Organigramm

Office Francophonie, Justice in official languages and legal dualism International Francophonie Justice in official languages Legal Dualism Access to Justice Implementation of section 41 of the OLA

Our role

International Francophonie

The Office of La Francophonie is responsible for the coordination of departmental files concerning international Francophonie. As such, the Office acts as the justice correspondent with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in the development and follow-up of Canadian policies in matters of legal and judicial cooperation related to international Francophonie.

Justice in Official Languages

The activities of the Justice in Official Languages Team are mainly directed towards two elements: the promotion of access to justice in both official languages; and the implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act, which aims to contribute to the enhancement of the vitality and development of official language minority communities as well as to foster the full recognition and use of both English and French in Canadian society.

Legal Dualism

The Legal Dualism Team's mandate is to support the Department of Justice Canada in fostering a better understanding of Canada's federal legal framework in private law. To this end, the Team undertakes a number of projects, including the creation of bilingual, bisystemic tools, such as the Legal Dictionary of Property in Canada; complementary training programs in civil and common law for the Department's counsel; and scientific studies in critical areas of activity that relate to legal dualism.