Food and Drug Regulations (C.R.C., c. 870)

Regulations are current to 2013-06-10 and last amended on 2013-05-31. Previous Versions

 Section C.01.004 does not apply to a test kit that contains a controlled drug where a registration number has been issued for the test kit pursuant to section G.06.002.3 and has not been cancelled pursuant to section G.06.002.4.

  • SOR/80-543, s. 11.

 In the case of a controlled drug that is dispensed by a pharmacist pursuant to a prescription, section C.01.004 does not apply but the label of the package in which the controlled drug is contained shall carry the following:

  • (a) the name and address of the pharmacy or pharmacist;

  • (b) the date and number of the prescription;

  • (c) the name of the person for whom the controlled drug is dispensed;

  • (d) the name of the practitioner;

  • (e) directions for use; and

  • (f) any other information that the prescription requires be shown on the label.

  • SOR/80-543, s. 11;
  • SOR/2004-238, s. 2(F).

 The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and this Part do not apply in respect of a controlled drug that is contained in an agricultural implant and set out in Part III of the schedule to this Part, but nothing in this section exempts such a drug from the requirements of Part C.

  • SOR/92-386, s. 2;
  • SOR/97-228, s. 8.

 [Repealed, SOR/80-543, s. 12]

 Except as otherwise provided in this Part, no person shall sell a controlled drug or preparation that does not comply with all provisions of Parts C and D applicable to it.

 No person shall

  • (a) advertise a controlled drug to the general public; or

  • (b) issue or publish any other written advertisement respecting a controlled drug unless that advertisement carries the symbol Symbol for caution, consisting of a diamond shape outline in which an uppercase letter C is centred. in a clear and conspicuous colour and size in the upper left quarter of the first page of the advertisement.

 [Repealed, SOR/80-543, s. 12]

Prescribed Manner of Notice of Application for an Order of Restoration

  •  (1) For the purpose of subsection 24(1) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, notice of application for an order of restoration shall be given in writing to the Attorney General by registered mail.

  • (2) The notice referred to in subsection (1) shall be mailed not less than 15 clear days prior to the date the application for an order of restoration is to be made to the magistrate and shall specify

    • (a) the magistrate to whom the application is to be made;

    • (b) the time and place where the application is to be heard;

    • (c) the controlled drug or other thing in respect of which the application is to be made; and

    • (d) the evidence upon which the applicant intends to rely to establish that he is entitled to possession of the controlled drug or other thing referred to in paragraph (c).

  • SOR/97-228, s. 9.