Food and Drug Regulations (C.R.C., c. 870)

Regulations are current to 2013-06-10 and last amended on 2013-05-31. Previous Versions

  •  (1) Subject to sections B.02.022 and B.02.022.1, no person shall sell for consumption in Canada any whisky that has not been aged for a period of at least three years in small wood.

  • (2) Nothing in subsection (1) applies in respect of flavouring contained in whisky, but no person shall sell for consumption in Canada whisky containing any flavouring, other than wine, that has not been aged for a period of at least two years in small wood.

  • SOR/93-145, s. 12;
  • SOR/93-603, s. 4.


 [S]. Rum

  • (a) shall be a potable alcoholic distillate, or a mixture of potable alcoholic distillates, obtained from sugar-cane or sugar-cane products fermented by the action of yeast or a mixture of yeast and other micro-organisms;

  • (b) may contain

    • (i) caramel,

    • (ii) fruit and other botanical substances, and

    • (iii) flavouring and flavouring preparations; and

  • (c) if it is imported in bulk for the purpose of bottling and sale in Canada as imported rum, may only be

    • (i) modified by adding distilled or otherwise purified water to adjust the rum to the strength stated on the label applied to the container,

    • (ii) modified by adding caramel, or

    • (iii) blended with other imported rum or, in the case of rum sold as Caribbean rum, with other rum.

  • SOR/93-145, s. 13;
  • SOR/2012-292, s. 1.
  •  (1) No person shall sell for consumption in Canada any rum that has not been aged for a period of at least one year in small wood.

  • (2) Nothing in subsection (1) applies in respect of flavouring contained in rum, but no person shall sell for consumption in Canada rum containing any flavouring, other than wine, that has not been aged for a period of at least one year in small wood.

  • SOR/84-657, s. 1;
  • SOR/93-145, s. 13.

 [Repealed, SOR/93-145, s. 14]

 [Repealed, SOR/2012-292, s. 2]

 [Repealed, SOR/2012-292, s. 2]


 [S]. Hollands, Hollands Gin, Geneva, Geneva Gin, Genever, Genever Gin or Dutch-type Gin

  • (a) shall be a potable alcoholic beverage obtained

    • (i) by the redistillation of malt spirit with or over juniper berries, or by a mixture of the products of more than one such redistillation,

    • (ii) by the redistillation of a combination of malt spirit and not more than four times its volume on an absolute alcohol basis of grain spirit with or over juniper berries, or by a mixture of the products of more than one such redistillation, or

    • (iii) by the blending of malt spirit, redistilled with or over juniper berries, with not more than four times its volume on an absolute alcohol basis of grain spirit or molasses spirit, or by a mixture of the products of more than one such blending;

  • (b) may contain

    • (i) other aromatic botanical substances, added during the redistillation process, and

    • (ii) caramel;

  • (c) shall not contain more than two per cent sweetening agent;

  • (d) may be labelled or advertised as being distilled, where subparagraph (a)(i) or (ii) is complied with; and

  • (e) shall be described on the principal display panel of its label and in any advertisements as blended gin, where subparagraph (a)(iii) is complied with.

  • SOR/93-145, s. 15.